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Studio Berman


SAY IT LOUD - United Kingdom

United Kingdom Based Designer

Who or what inspires you professionally?


In 2018 I founded Part W – an action group that campaign for gender parity across the built environment. I’m inspired by my fellow team of campaigners - both men and women - who are working towards greater equity in our industry.


The great designer, Zoë Berman is Director of Studio Berman design group, bringing together a network of collaborators and designers. Always seeking to further her knowledge and curiosity about the possibility of design to make a positive impact, Zoë explores ideas through writing, research and teaching. In 2018 Zoë founded Part W – an action group that brings together women across architecture and design, infrastructure and construction who campaign for gender parity across the built environment.

How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I studied architecture because of the multi-layered opportunity it affords to combine creativity with addressing political issues - allowing me to develop creative ideas hand in hand with responding to people, need and social issues.

What do you do?
I spend a lot of time talking to people. Trying to find solutions to problems, bringing together skilled designers, engineers and makers to collaborate on small and medium scale projects.

What excites you in the work you do?
I take great pleasure in the chance to work with incredibly talented fellow designers, makers and thinkers. I enjoy the collective effort and knowledge sharing that happens on projects, and within the education and teaching I am involved in.

Who or what inspires you professionally?
In 2018 I founded Part W – an action group that campaign for gender parity across the built environment. I’m inspired by my fellow team of campaigners - both men and women - who are working towards greater equity in our industry.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
I was delighted the Reading Retreat project was shortlisted for the Architects Journal Small Project Award, and it’s been a pleasure to represent the Part W group this year on BBC Radio4 and as part of Architecture on Stage at the Barbican, London.

Featured Project Name: 
Reading Room

Featured Project Location: 
London, E17
Featured Project Completion Date: 

Role in Featured Project: 
Co-designer with Benedetta Rogers
Featured Project Description:
The Reading Retreat has been designed to create a quiet area within the playground of Stoneydown Park Primary School, for children to spend time away from the busyness of the playground to enjoy reading. The project connects local skills and knowledge within the area of Walthamstow, London. The project was designed by architects Zoë Berman with Bennedetta Rogers, and was constructed by a team of fabricators at Blackhorse Workshop maker space.
Photography Credit:
Jim Stephenson

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