J-P Design, Inc.
SAY IT LOUD - NOW Exhibitor
New York Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am most inspired by my clients, the people who trust me to create spaces that they will ultimately occupy on a daily basis.
The Great designer, J-P Design, Inc. (JPD) is a full service architectural design firm. Services include all phases of architectural work from pre-design to post-construction. Committed to maintaining a diverse portfolio, JPD’s past and current projects include a vast array of building and project types. In addition, JPD provides a full complement of supplemental services that include: feasibility studies, zoning analyses, presentation drawings, construction documents, building programs, site planning, proposal writing, maps for analysis, along with building department, historic preservation and planning commission research and filings.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
Architecture came to me late in life, if high-school is late! As a child I wanted to be a lawyer. It seemed like an honorable profession. As a teenager, I attended Brooklyn Technical High School and was introduced to Architecture. I was hooked immediately! For this reason, I am a staunch believer in exposure, exposure, exposure for young people. Our life experiences mold who we are and who we will be. I shudder to think that I may have been a lawyer instead of an architect had I not gone to Brooklyn Tech.
What do you do?
As JPD firm principal, I am responsible for JPD’s day to day operations, marketing, financial matters and staffing. Beyond the firm’s administrative functioning, I oversee all of the firm’s design and production work across all phases from pre-design to post-construction.
What excites you in the work you do?
Everything about architecture excites me! I enjoy the pre-design process of getting to know old structures that are to be rehabbed or a vacant lot to be developed. I enjoy talking to end users and developing questionnaires to ferret out the details of space and activity programs. I enjoy the design process when site and existing building constraints pose interesting challenges. I enjoy developing custom details and identifying inexpensive materials that provide a visual ‘BANG’ for client’s limited dollars. I actually enjoy reviewing CD sets for errors and omissions and I enjoy administering the construction contract so that I can help to ensure that each client gets the highest value for every dollar spent.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am most inspired by my clients, the people who trust me to create spaces that they will ultimately occupy on a daily basis.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
My proudest professional accomplishment is the founding of J-P Design and its commitment to Design Excellence.
Featured Project Name:
Frederick Douglass Circle
Featured Project Location:
New York, New York
Role in Featured Project:
Construction Documents
Photography Credit:
Zevilla Jackson Preston