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Robert P Madison International, Inc
SAY IT LOUD - Ohio Exhibitor
Ohio Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I think that value to the human being and achievement to accomplish a project inspired be professionally.
The great designer, Yuanshuai (Tim) Si is an Architectural Designer at Robert P. Madison International, Inc, and he is from China and received his B.S. in architecture degree from Kent Sate University. He has been involved in several projects around Cleveland, such as Halle School, Karamu House and Great Lakes Science Center as a major designer. When he is not working on his design work, he is passionate on mountain biking and photography, and enjoying playing with his cat.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I first learned about architecture when I was very little kid who for the first time came into a city from a small village in China. I decided to study this field in college.
What do you do?
I started showing more interest in the design, reading more architecture magazines and drawing and sketching. Also I started traveling a lot and paying more attention in architectural styles and taking millions of pictures of buildings.
What excites you in the work you do?
Design and creating something from the words of the client mission and vision.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I think that value to the human being and achievement to accomplish a project inspired be professionally.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Halle School, which is my first project. The time I saw all students having classes in the building, I was moved. That was the exact moment that I thought that my work brought some value to the world.
Featured Project Name:
Karamu House Renovation
Featured Project Location:
2355 E. 89th Street, Cleveland Ohio
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Architectural Designer
Featured Project Description:
As a historic building, Karamu House’s new renovation was quite challenging. Not only did we need to accomplish the modern audiences needs of functionality and accessibility, but also the needs of modern aesthetics and culture. We opened the lobby, gallery and concession areas to create an expanded, brighter space. Wood texture, clean lighting strips were added at the ticket booth, information screen and the bar counter to render a modern and simplistic visual impact.
Photography Credit:
Yuanshuai Si
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