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HKS, Inc
SAY IT LOUD - A'19 Exhibitor
SAY IT LOUD - Washington DC Exhibitor
Washington DC Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I’m inspired by servant leaders that strive to empower emerging professional by providing opportunities for growth. I’m moved by those that have overcome adversity to find success and seek to pay it forward for those following in their footsteps.
The great designer, Yiselle Santos is the Director of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion for global architecture firm HKS, Inc. She founded the award-winning event WIELD, Women Inspiring Emerging Leaders in Design, and cofounded the AIADC Latin American Interior Designers, Engineers and Architects Committee. She combines a passion for EDI and medical planning to empower her community and the design industry. She is an AIA Strategic Council member, serves on the AIADC Board, and is a 2018 AIA Associate Award recipient.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
As a child in Puerto Rico, I always enjoyed model-making, but not until college did I realize the impact design could have in creating and building community. I became impassioned by the thought of empowering people and the built environment.
What do you do?
I strive to transform firm culture by encouraging diversity of gender, age, color, background, ideas, and thought in the workplace. My work enables me to combine my passion for architecture and leadership to effect positive change in the Profession.
What excites you in the work you do?
I’m excited by the opportunity to change people’s lives through design and storytelling. I enjoy the challenge of finding solutions to problems in innovative and emotive ways. I’m empowered by building connections and platforms for engagement.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I’m inspired by servant leaders that strive to empower emerging professional by providing opportunities for growth. I’m moved by those that have overcome adversity to find success and seek to pay it forward for those following in their footsteps.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
I’m proud of fearlessly following my passion in support of future leaders by creating opportunities for visibility and engagement. Now as Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at my firm I will work to influence the future of the profession.
Featured Project Name:
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital Medical Surgical Pavilion
Featured Project Location:
Washington, DC
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Medical Planner
Featured Project Description:
The MedStar Georgetown University Hospital Medical-Surgical Pavilion will transform the historic campus north entry. The new building 6-story tower connects the main Hospital at the ground, first and fourth floors. With 32 exam rooms, the hospital’s emergency department will greatly expand serving more than 36,000 patients who use the hospital as primary source of medical care. The new building will allow for the reorganization of the main hospital improving patient access, orientation and circulation.
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