Overland Partners
Texas Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am motivated by our clients and the communities their projects serve. I am committed to socially impactful, human-driven design processes that lead to high quality architectural solutions that are contextual and respond to social realities.
The great designer, Yanjing is a talented architect, passionate about environmentally sensitive architecture and sustainable design with experience in China and US. After graduating with honors in China she continued her studies at the University of Texas at Austin and received a Master in Architecture with a Specialization in Sustainable Design. At Overland, her professional skills, positive and collaborative attitude has served her well in navigating high profile designs at various scales and levels of complexity
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
Growing up in China, I am aware of the pressure of urbanization and the effects on the environment. This experience propelled me to focus on the role of architecture and cities: how materials, program, and technology can shape better outcomes.
What do you do?
As project architect/manager, I lead a variety of project types such as cultural, commercial, residential, and urban design and leverage my bilingual communication and organizational skills to develop and nurture professional relationships in China.
What excites you in the work you do?
Architecture as an opportunity to create healthy and healing environments and make the world a better place. I love to work on challenging projects that allow me to step outside of my comfort zone to explore potential solutions for our clients.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am motivated by our clients and the communities their projects serve. I am committed to socially impactful, human-driven design processes that lead to high quality architectural solutions that are contextual and respond to social realities.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Working on the design of the roof of Child Safe. The building is a sanctuary for children, their families, and the professionals who care for them. The roof is symbolic of healing and protection like a bird over a nest, or angel protecting a child.
Featured Project Name:
Quinta Mazatlan Word Birding Center
Featured Project Location:
McAllen, TX
Featured Project Completion Date:
March 2023 (Projected Construction Completion Date)
Role in Featured Project:
Project Manager
Featured Project Description:
Overland developed a master plan focused on a new visitor arrival sequence with a renewed focus on landscape, water, and a network of trails. The centerpiece of the included a world class destination to serve as a gateway to the world birding network with a new Center for Urban Ecology. This building, known as the P.A.L.M. House will enrich people’s lives by sharing knowledge about plants and birds while helping them forge a connection with the history, beauty and wonder of our natural world.