EOA Architects
SAY IT LOUD - Tennessee Exhibitor
Tennessee Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by the opportunity to help address and reduce the pipeline challenges of the BIPOC community as they relate to the profession of architecture. I look forward to seeing more students and practicing architects that look like me.
As an Auburn alum and thesis student of Auburn’s Rural Studio, Whitney developed extensive experience with design and construction prior to starting her professional career with EOA Architects. Whitney has worked on projects of varying sizes and budgets, both new construction and renovations. Whitney became an adjunct professor within Auburn University’s School of Architecture in 2020.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
As a child, pencil and paper would entertain me for hours. When my mom suggested I consider architecture, my eyes lit up with excitement. I began to study the way I experienced spaces, and that made me want to create special spaces for everyone.
What do you do?
I am a designer, emerging professional, and active member and current VP-Elect of NOMAnash. I recently completed 3 years of service on the Board of Directors for AIA Mid TN. In Fall of 2020, I became a remote adjunct professor at Auburn University.
What excites you in the work you do?
The most exciting thing about architectural design is the complex problem solving, and they ability to create spaces that can be experienced by the masses.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by the opportunity to help address and reduce the pipeline challenges of the BIPOC community as they relate to the profession of architecture. I look forward to seeing more students and practicing architects that look like me.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Completing my undergraduate thesis project, I pushed my perceptions of architecture beyond cool buildings. There I was taught to be a citizen architect as I learned that good architecture is safe, healthy, sustainable, attainable, and for EVERYONE.
Featured Project Name:
The Village Church
Featured Project Location:
Antioch, Tennessee
Featured Project Completion Date:
Fall 2021
Role in Featured Project:
Architectural Designer and Project Coordinator
Featured Project Description:
Sitting on a hill of roughly 27 acres, the 1-story, 22,571 square-foot Village Church overlooks the rolling hills of southern Antioch, Tennessee. This modern contemporary building includes a 500-seat sanctuary, a children's wing with worship and classroom areas, and a small staff/administration area for daily church business. The main drivers for architectural massing and spatial programming were flexibility, exterior views, and a plan for future expansion.