Monarch Butterfly Enterprises
Maryland Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by the amazing people in Baltimore restoring our neighborhoods. I continue to be inspired by my Mother Joy, daughter Joy, sister Jill, cousin Dana Henson, Henson Company, Shelley Halstead, Black Women Build, Bree Jones, Parity Homes, Claudia Wilson Randall, CDN and participants from the Caterpillar Real Estate Program rebuilding Baltimore. Restoring Baltimore takes a Village and we are so glad to be a part of the Village.
The great developer, Veronica owens from Monarch Butterfly Enterprises is a women and minority owned real estate and funding firm that takes vacant spaces and creates sustainable living spaces along with funding solutions.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
When my mother established her Interior Design firm 25 years ago, I was right by her side. She continues to inspire, mentor and teach me on each of project. Together we put the historical integrity, detail & sustainable features in each restoration.
What do you do?
I restore homes and add sustainable features to reduce the carbon footprint and lessen the utility cost to a future homeowner.
What excites you in the work you do?
Working in the City of Baltimore, transforming vacant and underutilized spaces into amazing restoration projects excites me most.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by the amazing people in Baltimore restoring our neighborhoods. I continue to be inspired by my Mother Joy, daughter Joy, sister Jill, cousin Dana Henson, Henson Company, Shelley Halstead, Black Women Build, Bree Jones, Parity Homes, Claudia Wilson Randall, CDN and participants from the Caterpillar Real Estate Program rebuilding Baltimore. Restoring Baltimore takes a Village and we are so glad to be a part of the Village.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Wow! My last restoration project is my favorite and best accomplishment to-date.
Featured Project Name:
Vacant to Vibrant
Featured Project Location:
Greenmount West, Baltimore, MD
Featured Project Completion Date:
August 2020
Role in Featured Project:
Featured Project Description:
We embarked on this vacant row home in 2019 and placed a bid through Baltimore City Vacant to Values Program. We were elated that our company was selected to take this 30 year old vacant home and turn it into a beautiful butterfly 🦋. We utilized Trace Architects to design along with Joy Owens Interiors to turn this into “traditional chic fabulous”. S & K gutted the house to include a chefs kitchen, historic windows, tankless water heater and more. This corner home now shines on the block!🦋