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T22 Architects Limited 


SAY IT LOUD - United Kingdom

United Kingdom Based Designer

Who or what inspires you professionally?


Been an immigrant and a minority it is not easy to overlook the contributions of generations of minority architects made in architecture. I was lucky to study with world’s renowned female minority architects, and I hope I could make my contribution.


The great architect, Toto is an ARB registered architect. He co-founded award wining RIBA chartered practice T22 Architects Ltd. He is a partner of Reparametrize Studio, a researcher of AMPS architecture research group in the UK, the scientific reviewer for Sigradi conferences.He taught, presented and lectured at the UWE, Genoa University, Republic University Uruguay, University of Campinas Sao Paulo, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, the and Jiangnan University.

How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
When I was 16, two severe floods damaged my hometown twice, the relocation, resettlement and reconstruction have made me awaken, and since then I hope to be an architect.

What do you do?
I run my office with Lin Wang and Da Lu, we design a wide range of projects from stage design to university campus, from 100 square meters to 140000 square meter area. With an emphasis on environmental performance, digital design and fabrication.

What excites you in the work you do?
I am interested in creating a unique spatial and emotional experience for people. It could only be achieved with cross-disciplinary collaboration and carefully listen to communities and end-users, we have to value and work beyond their expectations.

Who or what inspires you professionally?
Been an immigrant and a minority it is not easy to overlook the contributions of generations of minority architects made in architecture. I was lucky to study with world’s renowned female minority architects, and I hope I could make my contribution.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
We won a major international competition three years ago, and it will be constructed in early 2020. It is a rare opportunity for young architects like us, and we are proud we made it from idea to solid with tremendous efforts.

Featured Project Name: 
Giraffe School stage

Featured Project Location: 
Shanghai China
Featured Project Completion Date: 

Role in Featured Project: 
Digital Design and Fabrication Lead
Featured Project Description:
In this project I worked as digital design and fabrication lead and collaborated with Duts Design to create a new experimental school for children to learn and speak up English. We tried to explore the possibilities of combing natural material with digital design and fabrication. As a result a kiosk, a theatre and a small classroom has been designed as a continuous space and a playground for kids and families.

Photography Credit:
Scott Giraffe school and Duts Design

Featured Project Name: 

Featured Project Location: 
Tsingtao China
Featured Project Completion Date: 

Role in Featured Project: 
Featured Project Description:
The design concept of the institute is to focus on the green campus, open up the research and art creation space, and pay attention to the art life to form an open art park. In terms of functional concepts, the new technology (3D printing technology) is the basic Framework, workshop and new technology integration, forming a new aesthetic model to change the social consumption pattern.

Photography Credit:
Wang Lin, Da Lu, Toto Hu

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