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CESO, Inc.
SAY IT LOUD - Ohio Exhibitor
Ohio Based Designer
Designer from Tennessee
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I’m inspired by the opportunity to glean from the limitless influences of every architectural style and artistic expression that I’ve been exposed to while creating projects that uniquely respond to the needs of our individual clients.
The great designer, Terry White is a Senior Design Manager of Architecture for CESO Inc. in their Nashville, TN office. He has 23 years of architectural design experience a diversity of project types including: corporate, mixed-use developments, retail, residential, senior living, transportation, worship spaces, institutional, and governmental. He also expanded his experience as the Manager of the Architectural Services Group for a development company formerly named DDR Corp in Beachwood, Ohio for 6+ years.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
My childhood friend & I were discussing our future goals while we were 5 or 6 years old & he mentioned that he wanted to be an Architect. After learning that I can use artistic skills to design buildings, I decided that I would be an Architect too.
What do you do?
I manage the design process of fleshing out our clients’ visions for their projects using sketches, AutoCAD files, Photoshop and 3D modeling.
What excites you in the work you do?
The process of integrating artistic expression and essential data from our clients in the creative process of developing three dimensional forms for the use of people is very exciting to me.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I’m inspired by the opportunity to glean from the limitless influences of every architectural style and artistic expression that I’ve been exposed to while creating projects that uniquely respond to the needs of our individual clients.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
DDR Corporation’s Headquarters Building in Beachwood, Ohio was the largest single building that I had the opportunity to design with significant control over the project’s final expression.
Featured Project Name:
Greater Cleveland RTA E. 55th Street Rapid Station
Featured Project Location:
Cleveland, Ohio
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Senior Designer (for Richard L. Bowen & Associates Inc.) teamed with a Sen. Design/Proj Mgr
Featured Project Description:
This modern station’s ridership & intermodalism put it in the top ten performing stations of the GCRTA rail system. The design for this 3,000 sf facility is very contemporary with bold, curving forms rising from the track level, reaching skyward as they extend up 35 feet beyond the East 55th Street level. This station will reach out to potential passengers by means of its striking forms and bold colors. The new station also features an 800-foot long passenger platform at the track level.
Photography Credit:
Richard L. Bowen & Associates Inc.
Featured Project Name:
DDR Corp (now Site Centers) Headquarters Building
Featured Project Location:
Beachwood, Ohio
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Senior Designer (for Richard L. Bowen & Associates Inc.)
Featured Project Description:
This 5-story, 177,267 sf structure, which completed an existing office campus with the final and largest of three buildings, is designed with materials matching the existing two structures but with more prominent design features. This building includes five floors of corporate office space, an Executive Conference Center, a lower level conference center, a 150-seat amphitheater, a 4,000 SF Wellness Center, a 4,400 SF Cafeteria and top floor executive offices with exterior terraces.
Photography Credit:
Richard L. Bowen & Associates Inc.
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