SAY IT LOUD - NOW Exhibitor
New York/Scotland/UK Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My tutor, Isi Metzstein is my biggest personal inspiration, other than that I try to take as much from outside the design/construction community as possible. Motivated people, travel, history and innovation are key.
Temoor Ahmad
The great designer, Temoor Ahmad, architect, is an Associate Principal at Grimshaw where he specializes in large-scale transport infrastructure projects and the associated potential for over-site development and place making. High-profile examples of key projects include Paddington Crossrail, King’s Cross Station, Euston HS2 and Waterloo Station Master plan - all in London - and the Enhanced Stations Initiative for the New York Subway.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
The sequence for me was: Start Wars 1977 = I want to be an astronaut = play with 1980s Space Lego = build a 5ft x 8ft Space City = I think I want to make buildings and cities of the future instead (I didn’t know the term “architecture”).
What do you do?
I am an Associate Principal at Grimshaw Archi- tects (please see Applicant’s bio for rest of info).
What excites you in the work you do?
So many things. The chance to provide meaning- ful positive change for the city’s travelling public; working with great colleagues and consultants; a meaty challenge; great clients; the fact that I can regularly draw by hand... the list goes on.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My tutor, Isi Metzstein is my biggest personal inspiration, other than that I try to take as much from outside the design/construction community as possible. Motivated people, travel, history and innovation are key.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Very hard to say - context is everything. My first built project - a small Art Gallery in London’s Mayfair (1997) is up there... but there are so many more (the project in this submission for example) and I feel very lucky to be able to say that.
Featured Project Name:
Enhanced Stations Initiative
Featured Project Location:
New York City
Featured Project Completion Date:
April 2019
Role in Featured Project:
Client-side Project architectural lead
Featured Project Description:
An MTA NYCT initiative (with MTA Arts & Design) looking to optimize and enhance the scope of station renewals and provide passenger-focused improvements within the schedule and budget constraints. Over 20 stations across all five boroughs. Approximately 3 years from commencement to completion of last station. Grimshaw role was to establish concept vision and provide 30% concept reference design for pre-qualified contractor-led teams and provide oversight via Design Services During Construction.
Photography Credit:
David Sundberg