City of Houston - General Services Department - Major Projects
Texas Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Joseph Eichler, Paul Revere Williams, Norma Merrick Sklarek, J. Max Bond and Philip Goodwin Freelon
The great desinger, Is currently a Senior Project Manager at the City of Houston General Services Department – Major Projects. She manages the design and construction of major facility projects, working with the design team, GC, and city departments to drive the project scope, budget, and input for design concepts for the Capital Improvement Program. Synthia has over 35 years with various types of buildings.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I learned about it through a class assignment in seventh grade to design my future home. Through the assignment, I discovered that I enjoyed the creative process of creating designs, and maybe this is something I made want to do as my career.
What do you do?
I manage the design and construction of major facility projects, working with the design team, contractor, and city departments to drive the project scope, budget, and input for design concepts for the Capital Improvement Program.
What excites you in the work you do?
We are bringing much-needed public resources to the community by focusing on quality, excellent design for the City of Houston community.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Joseph Eichler, Paul Revere Williams, Norma Merrick Sklarek, J. Max Bond and Philip Goodwin Freelon
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
The Jean C. McKinney Manor is a 50-unit affordable development for low-income seniors located in Southeast San Diego for St Stephen's Church of God in Christ. First multifamily project to be built in 25 years in the area at that time.
Featured Project Name:
COH Fire Station 31 Renovation
Featured Project Location:
Historic Independence Heights
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Senior Project Manager , City of Houston General Services Department - Major Projects
Featured Project Description:
The renovation will include approximately 6,045 existing total square feet plus about 2,445 new additional total square feet for an entire project area of 8,490 square feet. It will consist of selective demolition, new building systems, a new roof, a complete interior buildout with contemporary finishes, site improvements, and removal of existing masonry and masonry furring and foundation repairs. The three (3) apparatus bays will be fully operational throughout the renovation.
Photography Credit:
AT/3+RDC Architects
Featured Project Name:
Westbury Library
Featured Project Location:
Westbury - Brays Oaks district of Southwest Houston
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Senior Project Manager , City of Houston General Services Department - Major Projects
Featured Project Description:
The project will combine the service areas of the Meyer Neighborhood Library, which sustained damages during Hurricane Harvey, and the Frank HPL Express Library. The replacement facility will be a 23,000 SF library, including a TECHLink concept, meeting and conference spaces, quiet adult space, teen’s area, children's area, public computers, and adequate staff space. The new library will be constructed with energy-efficient building systems, significant site improvements, and LEED™ standards.