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Plus Architecture, Melbourne

SAY IT LOUD - Naarm Melbourne Exhibitor​

Who or what inspires you professionally?

I am always inspired by creatives in Art, Music, Film and Design. Everything they do, their thought process and their unique works inspire me to do my best. Architect: Norman Foster and Lyndon Neri Film: Amelie/Jean-Piere Jeunet Art: Caravaggio



Senior Interior Designer with over 13 years experience on local and international projects in hospitality, residential and commercial sector.

How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?

My father worked as a Civil Engineer where drawings, hand sketches & blueprints were the first documentation I saw. Worksites were frantic & messy but fascinating to me. His passion & dedication for work was something I witnessed & valued immensely

What do you do?

I’m a Senior Interior Designer at Plus Architecture. I assist my associates and directors with interior design concepts & documentation of our projects. We focus on large scale projects; commercial, multi-residential & hotels, managing client queries

What excites you in the work you do?

Essentially, our role is to improve lives, enhance wellbeing and be environmentally friendly in all our projects. It satisfies me when I’ve followed through with those values and have a happy client in the end

Who or what inspires you professionally?

I am always inspired by creatives in Art, Music, Film and Design. Everything they do, their thought process and their unique works inspire me to do my best. Architect: Norman Foster and Lyndon Neri Film: Amelie/Jean-Piere Jeunet Art: Caravaggio


What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?

A very happy client at the end of the project is most satisfying. Being recommended and given more projects for the same client is a good sign that you’ve shown you can be trusted and relied on.

Featured Project Name: 

226 Flinders Lane – Where the Silk Lived

Featured Project Location: 

226 Flinders Street, Melbourne

Featured Project Completion Date: 


Role in Featured Project: 

Senior Interior Designer

Featured Project Description:

The ground floor lobby features a sculptural, monolithic staircase that is visible from street view. This visual interest connects people on the footpath to the ground floor lobby, enticing them to come in and appreciate the form. Not only is it meant to activate the space, but it also adds a new flavour to the popular Flinders Lane strip. Not just making a statement but also a lasting landmark in the years to come.

Photography Credit:

Renders by Gabriel Mendoza, Plus Architecture

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