EOA Architects
SAY IT LOUD - Tennessee Exhibitor
Tennessee Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Mentoring and life-long learning. Sheila has been a mentor with ULI Nashville for 4 years and is a member of AEC Power Women. During her time at UT, Sheila participated in UT’s foreign exchange program; an event that changed her view of design.
Sheila joined EOA in 1997 and became a firm Principal in 2015. Sheila led the design team on the Tennessee State Museum. One of her first projects was the Row 8.9n Houses. This was a ground-breaking project for Nashville due to the incorporation of market-rate and subsidized units in one development. Row 8.9n was recognized locally, regionally, and nationally with eight+ awards, including the Best in American Living award by HUD and was exhibited in the National Building Museum in Washington DC.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
Sheila's high school art teacher encouraged her to take drafting classes at a local vocational school, which lead her to earning her Interior Design degree, before finally attending the University of Tennessee, earning a Bachelors in Architecture.
What do you do?
I am an architect, but this role can change daily to include business development, client relations, marketing, project management, community leader, professional liaison, the list goes on and on. Each day is different; which is how I love it.
What excites you in the work you do?
Community service; being a a servant leader in her many volunteer roles in Nashville and the surrounding design communities. Working with local artists, designers and educators has been a focus for Sheila in her varying boards and committees.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Mentoring and life-long learning. Sheila has been a mentor with ULI Nashville for 4 years and is a member of AEC Power Women. During her time at UT, Sheila participated in UT’s foreign exchange program; an event that changed her view of design.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Sheila led her firm to adopt a Family Leave Policy which has been shared via AIA TN Conference panel discussions, with firm leadership across TN, and by writing,“Paid Family Leave; How can you (we) afford not to provide it?"for the AIA TN newsletter.
Featured Project Name:
Tennessee State Museum
Featured Project Location:
Nashville, Tennessee
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Principal, Design Process Leader
Featured Project Description:
EOA Architects paired with museum designer HGA to create an inspirational and distinctive state-of-the-art cultural facility in Nashville. The new museum illuminates the rich and diverse history of the citizens of Tennessee and enlivens Nashville’s Bicentennial Mall, making it a destination for generations to come. The facility improves the visitor experience and engages the public in the history and significance of the state of Tennessee through collections, exhibitions, programs, and events.