The SEE IT LOUD application, serves as a crowd sourcing tool to identify significant pieces of architecture designed by women and diverse design professionals. While simultaneously being a catalyst to document, elevate celebrate, and engage the contributions of diverse design professionals. It echo's the important role they had in forming their city and amplifies the necessity for their continued voice in the future of the built environment.
The SEE IT LOUD camp takes students of a local community and engage a piece of architecture designed by a diverse designer. They would learn about the history, origin of the project and the journey of the diverse architect who designed the structure. Once inspired by the concept and narrative of the project the students with the aid of the volunteers would create art or new design generated by the experience on the unwrapped elevations of the building. The volunteers would be local diverse architects to give the kids, an instant mentor and to serve as an example of their potential.
This reinvented city would be full of new designers actively engaging architecture, including the parts of the city that has been historically neglected due to their race and the socio economical makeup of their residence.
App Experience when the person is not in the vicinity of the featured project.
The locations of women / diverse architects show up potentially on a map. The students tour the building with either the architects or members of the design team. If there was a SEE IT LOUD Camp then the video footage captured, can be something that can access and watch. Per location, the app would have stock views. This way the user can draw / design even if they are not in the location of a project. Their work could also go into the app's gallery.
App Experience when the person can visit the featured project.
Users of any age can come to the site but not for a camp. The users learn some information about the designers and main concept for the design. If there was a SEE IT LOUD Camp then the video footage captured, can be something that can access and watch. If they come with their own art supplies they can draw on site or before arriving and see their design through augmented reality (our app in 1:1 scale) Their work could also go into the app's gallery.
App Experience of a SEE IT LOUD Camp Attendee
The camps are intended for Junior High and High School Kids (more likely to have a mobile device) The students tour the building with either the architects or members of the design team. During this tour a camera person could capture the footage of the tour. The students would be paired with diverse and women designers of that city to create mentorship opportunities. They would spend some time designing and go outside to see various iterations of their designs superimposed on the structure. Their work at the end of the day would upload to the app's gallery for other app users to see. If the featured project has the self-projection capabilities, the students can see their design mapped on the building for an interval of time that evening.
The SEE IT LOUD app would then capture the art, from the photo library and located spatially. Once the student goes outside they can see their design through augmented reality on the structure and within the context of their community. As they walk around the building they experience their design from various distances and get an important understanding of scale and very tangibly see how they can and should change their community.
We are currently collaborating with Nomtek a European company which specializes in creating mobile applications and solutions for iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone and other mobile. They confirmed this app function does not exist anywhere on the market and have worked tirelessly to develop the technology that usually takes small items that are close to large images on a building surface and viewing it from great distances.
To learn more about Nomtek and their great work please visit.