GMB Architecture + Engineering
Michigan Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My coworkers. At GMB we have a unique team of teams structure that creates an inclusive, collaborative environment. Every person, whether they’ve been here for one month or 20 years has a voice and unique skills that add value to our projects.
I grew up in a government housing development in South Haven, MI with dreams of discovering new places. Thanks to scholarships and many grants and loans, I was able to attend Judson University in Illinois for my undergrad and graduate degrees. I moved back to west Michigan in 2013 and started an internship at GMB Architecture + Engineering, where I still work today. At GMB, we focus on creating educational spaces that impact the lives of thousands of students, teachers, and community members.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
In high school while walking to work and school every day, I’d look at houses and buildings and was so curious as to why the designers made their decisions. I loved math, science, art, and helping/understanding people so I knew it was the right path.
What do you do?
I wear many hats at GMB. I’m an architectural designer, I'm building my skills as a Project Lead. I also get to carry out internal initiatives, onboard new employees into our teams, and pursuit passions like storytelling through videos.
What excites you in the work you do?
I love the people side of architecture and designing spaces for diverse populations of students. As a child, my school was a safe constant in my life that I could rely on, and I want that experience for the students I design for as well.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My coworkers. At GMB we have a unique team of teams structure that creates an inclusive, collaborative environment. Every person, whether they’ve been here for one month or 20 years has a voice and unique skills that add value to our projects.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
At West Ottawa’s first football game in the new stadium, I saw students take so much pride in the facility. They won their first home game and I’ll never forget the roar of the crowd. I’m proud the spaces and buildings we design make a difference.
Featured Project Name:
West Ottawa Stadium
Featured Project Location:
Holland, Michigan
Featured Project Completion Date:
July 2022
Role in Featured Project:
Featured Project Description:
This stadium complex was planned out with the community and student experience in mind. One driving factor was to create an intimate experience for fans and athletes alike. There is a strong connection between the east and west fields to create an equitable experience for all stadium users. The same synthetic turf, light posts, and state-of-the-art AV systems are utilized on both fields. Lines for both men’s and women’s lacrosse are represented across both fields for interchangeable play..