Maryland Based Developer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Throughout my life, I have been inspired by the creativity in Baltimore City's youth, the robust need to re-establish healthy communities for children in the city, and the underrepresented historic cultural contributions within the African Diaspora.
The great designer, Sarsfield Williams, Jr. is a native Baltimorean youth advocate, with 30+ years of organizational development and construction experience. My work seeks to inspire imagination in Baltimore City's most vulnerable children by revitalizing mixed-income communities that foster life-long relationships and simultaneously address Black wealth inequality. As the Founding Principal at ASPIREhomes, we build in support of Black families and the need for restorative cultural pride in the African Diaspora.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I was first introduced to architecture at the age of 10 through my magazine subscription to Architectural Digest. The publication exposed me to the complexity of human relationships to buildings and the limitless use of imagination creating them.
What do you do?
I am a socially-conscious builder and creative thinker. My life's work has been immersed in various fields of continuous study which collectively serve to promote Black Culture and uplift the African-American community.
What excites you in the work you do?
The most exciting aspect of my work is the human response to the built home environment. I believe humans are born to be inspired, and we can be our best in environments that culturally affirm who we are.This concept should be accessible to everyone.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Throughout my life, I have been inspired by the creativity in Baltimore City's youth, the robust need to re-establish healthy communities for children in the city, and the underrepresented historic cultural contributions within the African Diaspora.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
During the last 15 years, we've built over 200 homes for Black families in Baltimore City, creating over $5 million in household equity and building the new Dorothy I. Height Elementary School in West Baltimore.
Featured Project Name:
The Langston
Featured Project Location:
Featured Project Completion Date:
February 2006
Role in Featured Project:
Designer/Project Manager
Featured Project Description:
In 2005, a small team was assembled to create an original prototype urban family home in West Baltimore. The goals for The Langston are to: 1) use the model as a basis of design for adaptive reuse in Baltimore's vacant shells, through a workforce development program 2) incentivize Black families to return to West Baltimore and create mixed-income communities 3) engage in youth development by being proximate to those in most need 4) promote cultural literacy through Black Arts at home.