City of Rapid City
South Dakota Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My first job was at a local art gallery. It was there that I first experienced what it meant to be in and have community. To this date I am inspired by artists, entrepreneurs, and creatives who infuse meaning into the places they make and reimagine.
As a resident of Rapid City South Dakota, the great designer Sarah Hanzel, holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics with an environmental emphasis from Northern Arizona University and a MasterÕs in Community and Regional Planning from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. She joined Rapid CityÕs Community Development Department in 2013 and currently serves as the Planning Projects Division Manager.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
As an undergraduate economic student I took a course in environmental planning. I was introduced to the NEPA planning process and was immediately drawn into the profession, going on to seek graduate study in community planning.
What do you do?
My current areas of planning practice at the City of Rapid City are in comprehensive planning, downtown planning, historic preservation, tax increment financing, and affordable housing.
What excites you in the work you do?
I am excited by the businesses (and the people behind them) that breathe new life into historic or under used buildings.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My first job was at a local art gallery. It was there that I first experienced what it meant to be in and have community. To this date I am inspired by artists, entrepreneurs, and creatives who infuse meaning into the places they make and reimagine.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
The work submitted for this exhibit represents a culmination of personal and community efforts to make positive changes in the built environment. When I look at the new construction happening in the district today, I feel proud of what we achieved.
Featured Project Name:
Urban Commercial Zoning District
Featured Project Location:
Downtown Rapid City, SD
Featured Project Completion Date:
March 30, 2018
Role in Featured Project:
Project Manager
Featured Project Description:
The Urban Commercial Zoning District was formed to implement the community’s vision for the downtown area between the historic core and South Dakota Mines. Zoning code revisions were needed to diversify the allowed uses and encourage a more pedestrian oriented urban environment to support an “innovation district.” The District removed barriers to infill development and opened up opportunities for housing, manufacturing, and a live-work environment.