AIA Emeritus
South Dakota Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am excited about the developing social and environmental conscience in the profession. Further, I am excited about the young people entering the profession. They are so well prepared and genuinely want to make a difference.
Sandy is thought to be the oldest female architect in South Dakota. Recently retired, she has been licensed since 1972. Sandy holds a B/Arch from the University of Oklahoma '68. She practiced in six states, plus Germany, before settling in Vermillion, SD to raise a family. Sandy has served AIASD in all offices, including president, and served on the AIA Strategic Council. Sandy continues to contribute to the AIASD blog, Blueprint for South Dakota.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I graduated high school in 1963 on an Air Force base in Puerto Rico. My high school counselor suggested architecture as a match for my grades and interest. When I showed up at the University of Oklahoma, I was stunned to find I was the only woman.
What do you do?
Now retired, I continue to travel (Egypt is next). I support efforts to make Vermillion the best small college town, providing design advice on a variety of endeavors. I have helped to manage Vermillion Community Theatre for more than 20 years.
What excites you in the work you do?
I started my journey in architecture more than 60 years ago and have never been disappointed. Buildings, new and old, still excite me. I am happy to retire and try to sort through my thousands of travel photos.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am excited about the developing social and environmental conscience in the profession. Further, I am excited about the young people entering the profession. They are so well prepared and genuinely want to make a difference.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
I was proud to be selected by my peers to represent the states of SD, ND, MN, and WI to the AIA Strategic Council. I was able be an advocate for small states and to bring my experiences and contacts back to my region
Featured Project Name:
Main Street Inn
Featured Project Location:
Vermillion, South Dakota
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Architect/Interior Designer/Graphic Artist
Featured Project Description:
A brave and dedicated family rescued an abandoned fraternity house approaching its 100th year, turning a community eyesore into an asset. The result was a home for a family of five and five Bed and Breakfast units. The building was gutted, retaining central design features, and re-configured in an Arts and Crafts style appropriate for its original 1926 time frame. The architect designed the custom solid oak furniture to create an inviting step into the history of this college town.