Village Seeds Design
Maryland Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My students and their extended families, who are teaching me the experiential implications of "red lining" as residents of Baltimore City.
The great designer, Samia Rab Kirchner makes, studies, and analyzes architecture that contributes to urban civic identity. She also teaches Urban Design and Community-Engaged Planning at Morgan State University in Baltimore. Her practice focuses on Neighborhood Watershed to Waterfront Connections. Here is link to my website: https://samiarab.academia.edu/
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
Born and raised in Pakistan, I was inspired by the origins of Urban Design in Mohenjo Daro (Indus Valley Civilization), where planning accessible public places was prioritized over the design of the private realm.
What do you do?
I co-imagine and co-create the future of public places in urban neighborhoods which cities have divested from serving. I also teach urban design and community-engaged planning at Morgan State University.
What excites you in the work you do?
Co-designing with BIPOC students, neighborhood residents, school children, and activist clients like Farmer Chippy of Plantation Park Heights.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My students and their extended families, who are teaching me the experiential implications of "red lining" as residents of Baltimore City.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Co-designing with students and community the Urban Seeds Kitchen. Once built, youth occupying the public realm will learn about food sovereignty (ability to produce, prepare and preserve food). Food secure Architects will Build Communities!
Featured Project Name:
Urban Seeds Kitchen for Plantation Park Heights Urban Farmers
Featured Project Location:
3811 Park Heights Ave., Baltimore MD 21215
Featured Project Completion Date:
July 2021
Role in Featured Project:
Lead Designer of team that included: Harold Antoine, Khalil Campbell, Richard Francis (aka Farmer Chippy), Abu Kamara, Taylor Harvey, Durmon Jones, Amber Nelson and David Owe.
Featured Project Description:
Urban Seeds is an open Demonstration Kitchen that was co-designed in summer 2020 for Plantation Park Heights Urban Farmers in Baltimore City. It will be constructed by July 2021 creating for neighborhood youth a place to learn about the role of environmental design in Food Sovereignty (producing preparing and preserving food). Maryland Farm Credit Union is planning to commercialize the Pilot Kitchen. Here is project documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lnidCPuBQ4