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SAY IT LOUD - NOW Exhibitor
SAY IT LOUD - NOMA 50th Exhibition
Haiti Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Culture and community inspire my work ethic, design, and passion. I have the honor to repre- sent my community on every platform and in my designs. Translating other cultures through design is a goal I hope to achieve as I go deeper into my career.
Roodza Pierrelus
The great designer, Roodza Pierrelus a Haitian American first- generation architecture student at Tuskegee University. I was born in Port-au- Prince, Haiti, and I migrated along with the Caribbean islands before living in Miami, Florida. My hobbies consist of drawing, painting, and rendering. As a future architect, I aspire to make a positive impact in my country by identifying and showcasing my culture architectural language.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
Deciding to become an architect was a passion that grew over the years. I first heard of architec- ture at a summer camp. Architecture was the only major that allows my passion for math and design to come together to better my environment.
What do you do?
I am the president of the AIAS Chapter at Tuske- gee University. My goal for every platform I oc- cupied is to serve, motivate, and teach designers to better themselves skillfully and academically through a series of workshops.
What excites you in the work you do?
As an upcoming 4th year student, I gravitate towards helping peers gain architectural skills in programs such as AutoCAD, Revit, Lumion, Pho- toshop, InDesign, etc.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Culture and community inspire my work ethic, design, and passion. I have the honor to repre- sent my community on every platform and in my designs. Translating other cultures through design is a goal I hope to achieve as I go deeper into my career.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Tuskegee University made history with the first black female team at the NAHB competition
in 2019. Our group of 11 students received the rookie of the year award and placed 7th out of 40 Universities. My role was to design logistics of the site.
Featured Project Name:
Asamoah’s Eden
Featured Project Location:
Weija, Ghana
Featured Project Completion Date:
May 2020
Role in Featured Project:
Featured Project Description:
This year thousands of African descendants from around the world traveled to Ghana for The
Year of Return. While many spent their time embracing the culture, others decided to plant more permanent roots. The design is a three-story condominium complex for repatriates in Weija, Ghana. The inspiration for Asamoah’s Eden derived from the weaving of the Kente cloth made by hand. The weaving of the Kente cloths is translated in the shifting of the condos and intertwining of the pathway.
Photography Credit:
Roodza Pierrelus
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