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Robert P Madison International, Inc
African American AIA Fellow
SAY IT LOUD - Ohio Exhibitor
SAY IT LOUD - NOMA 50th Exhibition
SAY IT LOUD - Washington DC Exhibitor
Ohio Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Robert A. Taylor, MIT 1892. The first Black Architect in America. Booker T. Washington, who established Tuskegee Institute of Tuskegee Alabama. He invited Robert Taylor to come to Tuskegee and teach art and Architecture and design all the buildings.
The great architect, Robert P.. Madison was born in Cleveland, Ohio. He earned a Bachelor of Architecture Degree from Western Reserve University, a Master of Architecture Degree at Harvard University and studied at L’Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris France as a Fulbright Scholar. He opened his office in Cleveland in 1954. This was the first office in the State of Ohio by an African American Architect and ninth in the country. He started a Scholarship Fund “Aspire”. Mr. Madison completed his memoir “Designing Victory”.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
When I was six years old and presented my mother with a drawing I had made in school - the drawing of a church, she took one look and emphatically stated that I must become an architect.
What do you do?
At the age of 96, I am now retired after sixty two years of practice. I have written my memoir and am ready to be of assistance to my former firm which is now managed by my nephew and his wife, Sandra and Kevin Madison and Robert Klann.
What excites you in the work you do?
I was always excited when presented with a contract to design a building or collection of buildings on Urban design or city planning. I look at a clean pallet and respond to the needs of people both functionally and aesthetically.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Robert A. Taylor, MIT 1892. The first Black Architect in America. Booker T. Washington, who established Tuskegee Institute of Tuskegee Alabama. He invited Robert Taylor to come to Tuskegee and teach art and Architecture and design all the buildings.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
The U.S. Embassy Office Building in Dakar Senegal Election to the College of Fellows at the AIA (1974) Elected Chairman of the Jury of Fellows of the AIA (1985)
Year of Elevation:
Featured Project Name:
Cuyahoga Community College Center for Creative Arts and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum Library and Archives
Featured Project Location:
Cleveland, Ohio
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Prime Architect
Featured Project Description:
The Center for Creative Arts was the first of its type in the City of Cleveland. Located on the Metropolitan Campus of Cuyahoga Community College, the four-story 75,000 sq. ft. facility contains numerous student programs in music technology including a state of the art Recording Studio, Black Box Theatre, Acting and Dance Classrooms and classrooms for video animation and editing. The Center is also home to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum Library and Archive occupying approx. 25,000 sq ft
Photography Credit:
Yuanshuai Si
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