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CO Architects
SAY IT LOUD - A'19 Exhibitor
SAY IT LOUD - NOMA 50th Exhibition
SAY IT LOUD - California
California Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My motivation to be successful is part setting an example for the next generation and part continuing the legacy of black architects who came before me.
The great designer, Rachel Jordan Bascombe has worked in all phases of design and construction for renovation projects. When she is not working on projects for healthcare, higher education and government clients, she can be found participating in panel discussions or mentoring at a local architecture summer camp. Recognizing how representation of diversity in architecture can impact the community it serves; Rachel has developed a passion for projects of underrepresented populations.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
In high school I was introduced to architecture through a technology education class taught by an Architectural Engineer. He noticed my talent in the class and encouraged me to take his architectural drafting class.
What do you do?
I am an Architect practicing at CO Architects in Los Angeles. I am still learning and growing in the profession, but I am most excited for what is to come. Outside of working in the office I have a passion for serving the community.
What excites you in the work you do?
I am passionate about being a citizen architect. In other words, I am fulfilled when I am able to be a voice for the community I serve in each project.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My motivation to be successful is part setting an example for the next generation and part continuing the legacy of black architects who came before me.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
My proudest achievement was sharing my personal journey in architecture to a crowd of 300 hundred women at Powerful V. By sharing my story, I understand how significantly it can impact the efforts for diversity and inclusion in the profession
Featured Project Name:
UCLA Franz Tower Seismic Renovation
Featured Project Location:
University of California, Los Angeles
Featured Project Completion Date:
Fall 2020
Role in Featured Project:
Project Designer & Coordinator
Featured Project Description:
When Paul R. Williams, FAIA designed the Psychology Tower, it was one of the tallest buildings on the campus. The building features three basement levels and eight levels above grade. The program includes research (dry) laboratories, classrooms, and faculty offices. The modernization of the building aims to update the program, seismically retrofit, and provide a new face for the top-ranked Psychology Department. In the new design CO Architects was sure to pay homage to the history of the 1967 building.
Photography Credit:
CO Architects; Studio-MLA (Render 4)
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