3 Months ago I shared that I was planning 3 exhibitions for November 2019. Truthfully in disbelief i'm over the moon to share that we at Beyond the Built Environment with the support of local organizations has successfully exhibited all 3 SAY IT LOUD Exhibitions, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Illinois.
Each exhibition is unique and elevates the identities and contributions of women and diverse designers of that state!
20 Featured diverse designers of Pennsylvania.
Due to the hard work of NOMA PGH, SAY IT LOUD exhibition is now on display to feature Diverse Designers of Pennsylvania .
November 1, 2019 through November 30, 2019 at the GBBN Gallery 5411 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15206.
NOMA-PGH has also organized a series of programs to activate the exhibition as apart of their Design in Color Series.
November 9, 2019 - Youth Day | Exhibition Tour
November 11, 2019 - Hear Our Voices Panel
November 23, 2019 - UDREAM & Beyond Summit

11 Featured diverse designers of Virginia
Due to the hard work of AIA Virginia, SAY IT LOUD exhibition was on display to feature Diverse Designers of Virginia.
November 6, 2019 through November 8, 2019 at the Greater Richmond Convention Center at the AIA Virginia Architecture Exchange East Conference.

26 Featured diverse designers of Illinois
Due to the hard work of i-NOMA and The Community Builders, SAY IT LOUD exhibition is now on display to feature Diverse Designers of Illinois.
November 12, 2019 through December 31, 2019 at the Oakwood Shores Community Center, Bronzeville Chicago.
Opening Reception 11/12 @6-9pm
One of the best feedbacks I’ve received was that the SIL exhibition series are displayed in venues that are not accessible by the general public. This SAY IT LOUD is installed in a community center were everyone will have access!!!!!

Please visit the webpage for each exhibit to vote for the People's Choice.
Proud of your work, SAY IT LOUD
Changing the world, SAY IT LOUD
Making an impact, SAY IT LOUD
Beyond the Built Environment, elevates the identities and contributions of women and diverse designers in the field of architecture through exhibitions, curated lectures, and documentaries that testify to the provided value of their built work and its spatial impact.
If you are wondering why I chose to send you this email, please know your support means everything to me. You are a part of my community and someone I aspire to make proud.