I am excited to share that because of this incredible article written by House Beautiful,
Oprah and her team featured me on the Oprah Daily website as apart of her FUTURERISING:
Meet the Black trailblazers moving our world forward initiative.
I highly recommend exploring this important page and meet these mentioned trailblazers. You will also be inspired by the forward from Oprah and world-renown director Lee Daniels.

Of course I am featured in the The Future is Audacious section (how fitting). But I mean look at the company I'm in!! Nina Cooke John | architect, Sheryl Lee Ralph | actor, & Jay Ell Alexander | CEO of Black Girls Run, Lauren Ridloff | actor, Hertrech “Hert” Eugene Jr. | senior manager at Hoonigan and many many more.
This article and Future Rising initiative is sponsored by Oprah Daily and Lexus.
This incredible opportunity came to fruition because of an incredible article by Nafeesah Allen In the House Beautiful publication:
Why Pascale Sablan Thinks Activism Has to Be a Part of Design
"In a field where women and Black people are underrepresented and under recognized, the Adjaye Associates architect and Beyond the Built Environment founder is determined to reshape the profession from the inside out."
Please read the full article here:
This article also had me featured in Apple News on June 13th! You can't imagine how shocked I was when I received messages from so many of you telling me I was in your feed!
Then, this powerful publication, House Beautiful is the latest media institution that went beyond statements of solidarity to taking ACTION. House Beautiful took the SAY IT WITH - MEdia Pledge. We are now at 6,353,000 monthly impressions!!! Yes 6 Million, Three hundred and Fifty-Three Thousand monthly impression.
House Beautiful, is dedicated to bringing you the best in inspiration and education for your home. Whether you're hiring a designer for a complete redecoration or dipping your toes in DIY, you'll find smart tips and designer-tested ideas across our magazine pages, website, and videos.

This Beyond the Built initiative that focuses on collaborating with media publications and committing to change. Therefore if you have work, completed a project or wrote white papers please submit to House Beautiful and our other media partners, they are excited to potentially elevate your work.
If you are wondering why I chose to send you this email, please know your support means everything to me. You are a part of my community and someone I aspire to make proud.