South Dakota Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Inspiration comes from being outside of my usual. It comes from quietly observing how people interact with the built environment. Inspiration comes from conversations that challenge my perceptions and understandings.
The great designer Patri Acevedo Fuentes is a community leader and an architect. She brings over 20 years of design expertise, cultural sensitivity, and a wild and wonderful wit to her work. Born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Patri resided in NY, FL, and TX before making the Black Hills her home. Her work focuses on creating solutions that center users in the design process. Patri is a 2021 Bush Foundation Fellow and an AIA South Dakota Legacy Award recipient.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
In high school, I had really good grades. So when it was time to pick what to study in college, everyone thought I should be an engineer, which seemed cool but a little dry for me. Then someone recommended architecture… and the rest is history.
What do you do?
As a community leader and architect, I listen - listen to clients, listen to collaborators, listen to the community. Then, together with the client or the community, I translate their words into something that someone can build.
What excites you in the work you do?
The joy of people using the spaces that I have designed and seeing how people change the space to fit them better, making spaces their own. I enjoy seeing how my designs change through time, through love, through use.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Inspiration comes from being outside of my usual. It comes from quietly observing how people interact with the built environment. Inspiration comes from conversations that challenge my perceptions and understandings.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
I am infinitely proud of starting an architecture firm in Rapid City, just a few months after getting licensed. Starting a practice when you are a transplant who doesn't look or sound like anyone in the area was a challenge.
Featured Project Name:
OneHeart Campus
Featured Project Location:
Rapid City, SD
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Lead Architect, Project Manager
Featured Project Description:
The OneHeart Campus was envisioned by community leaders to create pathways out of homelessness. The project involved the complete renovation of a 4.5-acre campus, including the complete renovation of three structures, the redesign of exterior areas, and the addition of a sweat lodge with a small building for community events. The biggest design challenge was to create a safe and secure space that felt like home, with the feeling of belonging and safety.