Advocacy/Studio Dickey
SAY IT LOUD - North Carolina Exhibitor
North Carolina Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
All of my mentors, professors and co-workers. Individuals in pursuit of innovative ideas.Homo Sapiens and Technology. Human both as an individual and collective; The way we see, perceive and experience built environment uniquely fascinates me. Technology also as a way to integrate new ways of thinking, exploring and executing.
The great designer, Noushin Radnia is a Teaching Fellow at the School of Architecture, UNC Charlotte. She worked as a designer, researcher, and educator in Iran and the US. She holds a dual Masters' degree in Architecture and Information Technology from UNC Charlotte and a Bachelor of Architecture. She has pursued her research in the digital Arts Lab at UNCC in the intersection of architecture and technology, centered around the dialogue between physical and digital space and how they impact human experience.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
Realized at a very young age that design could alter our individual living conditions. There was not a specific moment, it has evolved with time. Built environment both in its natural way and constructed version hand in hand with human occupation, experience and behavior resulted in my interest in this discipline.
What do you do?
I am a researcher, educator and practitioner in the field of architecture and design, currently based in Charlotte, NC and teach at UNC Charlotte, School of Architecture .
What excites you in the work you do?
The reciprocal ability for my ideas to fluctuate between an academic and professional environment. I love how design is a combination of creativity and beauty. I enjoy the opportunity to create in different scales, both visually and contextually.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
All of my mentors, professors and co-workers. Individuals in pursuit of innovative ideas. Homo Sapiens and Technology. Human both as an individual and collective; The way we see, perceive and experience built environment uniquely fascinates me. Technology also as a way to integrate new ways of thinking, exploring and executing.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Being involved in the development of the next generations of future designers. Expanding our expertise to the public domain and getting involved in public art scene and projects, starting from Charlotte and hoping to reach other cities.
Featured Project Name:
Featured Project Location:
Charlotte, North Carolina
Featured Project Completion Date:
December 2019
Role in Featured Project:
Noushin and Arturo designed, wrote and directed the sequence of assignments that enable the production of each step of this project. The assignment series is part of a class titled; Recording Observations 1601, that took place in the School of Architecture at UNC Charlotte.
Featured Project Description:
_Play is a design assignment series that questions the interactions of architecture, through a simultaneous act of play as a design strategy. It delivers sensibilities about our understanding of scale by evolving an idea though or from a playful event. This methodology offers an alternative that is willing to connect our understanding of architecture as a purified experience that becomes a revealing endeavor towards capturing architectonic forms.
Photography Credit:
All the work and photography was produced by UNC Charlotte, School of Architecture First Year Students Class of 2023.
Featured Project Name:
Covid Confessionals
Featured Project Location:
North Carolina
Featured Project Completion Date:
March 2021
Role in Featured Project:
Project Manager
Featured Project Description:
Covid Confessionals is a timely response to Covid-19 measures for physical distancing as a set of iridescent curved walls with a six-foot radius that are activated by light characteristics of color and reflection. Each of the confessionals act as room-sized face shields that encourage physical distancing, while also providing a place for interaction, often acting as a backdrop or color lens for a photo or providing a means for distanced social exchanges