SAY IT LOUD - NOW Exhibitor
Illinois Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Every day I am inspired by the emerging platforms for social justice, both in the field and out in the world.
Natalie Goodin
The Great designer, Natalie is a young design professional in Chicago, Illinois. With a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a Master of Architecture from Boston Architectural College, she has sought opportunities to explore designers’ roles in communities and has gained experience on design and research teams. She is an Assoc. AIA member and LEED Green Associate, and as a student she represented advocacy in design as an AIAS National Advocate.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I think the path to architecture was laid out when I spent more time making houses for my dolls than ac- tually playing with them -- shoe box mansions for my Barbies and snow days in the garage spent building furniture for my American Girl dolls.
What do you do?
I am an architectural designer on my way to licensure, currently doing design-build work.
What excites you in the work you do?
I have done work ranging from homelessness to economic development, and what I find most exciting in all of these experiences is the opportunity to offer tangible solutions to clients whose work is directly impacting their immediate communities.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Every day I am inspired by the emerging platforms for social justice, both in the field and out in the world.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Following my final semester of grad school, I present- ed ideas about challenging typical roles and de- sign-thinking through research and understanding of community engagement at the national AIAS Grass- roots Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C.
Featured Project Name:
Empowering Women in Appalachia
Featured Project Location:
Yancey Coal Mine (Former), Harlan County, Kentucky
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Research & Design
Featured Project Description:
This is an investigation of how deeper cultural understanding creates more people-centered design. At the site of a former coal mine, research and analysis show changes in economy and social structure as land use moves from supporting the mining industry to being more heritage sites, cultural centers, and businesses owned by women. The introduction of a women’s center to this site comes from the history of integrity and perseverance, the spirit of self-made women, and the celebration of place.
Photography Credit:
Natalie Goodin