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SAY IT LOUD - Nebraska  Exhibitor

Nebraska Based Designer

Who or what inspires you professionally?

My professors have inspired me throughout my academic career. They have expanded my understanding of what architecture is and its impact on the world, as well as pushing me to become a better, bolder, and more rigorous designer.



The Great designer, Morgan Davis is a fourth year Architecture student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She has worked as an Architectural Intern at Berggren Architects in Lincoln, Nebraska for three years. She has also been an Undergraduate Research Assistant for Professor David Karle for two years. In extracurriculars, she is the NCARB Liason for the AIAS Nebraska chapter and is a member of the US Green Building Council (USGBC) at UNL.

How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?

I knew I wanted to be an architect from a young age because my parents used to flip houses and I loved to see the process. I joined SkillsUSA in high school and competed in architectural drafting. I am continuing to pursue this passion at UNL.

What do you do?

Currently, I am a student. When I’m not spending time working in a studio, I work at my internship at Berggren Architects or work on UCare, where I am an Undergraduate Research Assistant.

What excites you in the work you do?

I enjoy the experiential and atmospheric qualities of architecture. It’s always interesting to see how humans interact with the built environment. The emotional aspect of this interaction is what I am constantly exploring in my work.

Who or what inspires you professionally?

My professors have inspired me throughout my academic career. They have expanded my understanding of what architecture is and its impact on the world, as well as pushing me to become a better, bolder, and more rigorous designer.

What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?

My greatest professional achievement is receiving an internship in my first year of college. I have worked my way up in the firm and now I am going to be facilitating a design charrette with a Nebraskan community for the design of their courthouse.

Featured Project Name: 

Laboratories of New Worlds


Featured Project Location: 


Featured Project Completion Date: 


Role in Featured Project: 


Featured Project Description:

Laboratories of New Worlds focused on designing a campus of spaces for artists and cultural influencers. We were to design one block of the campus to reflect an artist and their works. Using the pyramid and Isa Genzken as a driver for design, this portion of the campus was developed. Each of the three pyramids represents a different aspect of Isa Genzken’s work, both in material and attitude of the work it houses - resulting in the Glass Pyramid, the Fabric Pyramid, and the Concrete Pyramid.

Photography Credit:

Morgan Davis

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