GLHN Architects & Engineers, Inc.
Arizona Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Luis Barragán, Mexico’s renowned architect. His use of greenery, water, simple geometric forms, and bold colors left an impression on me. His architecture resonated with me because it seemed an appropriate response to our harsh desert environment.
Miguel has 20 years of experience in the municipal, healthcare and higher education fields. Adept in all project phases, he often leads programming, SD and DD through CDs and CA. He is well regarded for his ability to lead public involvement sessions that result in actionable next steps. He is highly skilled at renovation including documenting ADA issues. He has experience in both DB and CMAR delivery methods and excels in design of complex laboratory and vehicle maintenance facilities.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I slowly discovered architecture. As I child I enjoyed drawing and playing with Lego’s. Making a living drawing appealed to me. After high school I went to architecture school at The University of Arizona and there I learned about Architecture.
What do you do?
I draw in 3D using computers. Travel is common to meet with clients and visit project sites. Charettes are conducted to bring architects and engineers together to conceptualize a design. I visit job sites and answer the contractor’s questions.
What excites you in the work you do?
It is always nice to see the excitement in those who will occupy a project as it nears completion. When we do our job right, they look forward to the move. The variety of projects I have been involved in over my career has been exciting.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Luis Barragán, Mexico’s renowned architect. His use of greenery, water, simple geometric forms, and bold colors left an impression on me. His architecture resonated with me because it seemed an appropriate response to our harsh desert environment.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
I had a client tell me his project was a project of a lifetime. He meant architects spend their career hoping to work on significant projects. I realized I have been fortunate to be involved in a number of such projects including SHB with RKA.
Featured Project Name:
Northern Arizona University Science and Health Building
Featured Project Location:
Flagstaff, Arizona
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Project Manager, Project Architect, Construction Administration
Featured Project Description:
NAU required flexible research labs to meet the changing demands of research programs. The new 120,000 GSF 5-story facility includes fume hood intensive teaching and research labs, offices, large lecture halls and mediated classroom space at the lower levels. A multi-level atrium provides open interaction and group study rooms. The building integrates a centralized chemical receiving and storage facility, resolving challenges with previous chemical handling protocols on north campus.