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DRS Architects
SAY IT LOUD - Pennsylvania Exhibitor
Pennsylvania Based Designer
What excites you in the work you do?
There’s something exciting about taking someone else’s vision, molding it, and bringing it to life. I also love the collaborative nature of the field as well. It’s intriguing to me to see how other people think and solve problems.
The great designer, Michael K. Larche II graduated from Tuskegee University, earning the title University Scholar by maintaining the highest GPA in the Robert R. Taylor School of Architecture & Construction Science. He has recently started his healthcare design experience and looks forward to learning more about the best ways to ensure client satisfaction and patient comfort.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I first learned about architecture when I was in middle school. There was always a project in my arts or history course centering around crafting or drawing, and I preferred the crafting portion. I even modeled my own house at one point.
What do you do?
I mainly work in the healthcare division of my firm. My focus has been on a few of pharmaceutical drug facility renovations and MRI replacements. I’ve even been involved in some office renovations and higher education projects.
What excites you in the work you do?
There’s something exciting about taking someone else’s vision, molding it, and bringing it to life. I also love the collaborative nature of the field as well. It’s intriguing to me to see how other people think and solve problems.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My professors from Tuskegee University inspired me a lot in my career. I rack Ms. Shavon Charlot and Mr. Emile Dixon’s brains from time to time for advice. They both inspired me maybe pursue a career in teaching a collegiate course in architecture.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Currently, my proudest professional achievement is my personal growth I’ve seen since I’ve been out of school. I was afraid of making a mistake, but once I got comfortable in my surroundings and the rhythm of the work, it felt natural.
Featured Project Name:
Bloomfield Beacon
Featured Project Location:
ShurSave IGA at Bloomfield Central Gateway
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
One of three designers / Rendered Images
Featured Project Description:
The Bloomfield Shursave IGA acts as the face of the neighborhood to many, commuters and residents alike. For a long time, Bloomfield has been a vibrant and diverse area, building on culture and heritage to create a welcoming environment for everyone. The response to the community workshops concerning the future of the IGA show that people are ready for the next phase of the site – creating an entrance to Bloomfield that is as exciting and enticing as the people and places within it.
Photography Credit:
Michael K. Larche II
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