Robi4 Architecture & Planning Inc
California Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by my wife, our son and daughter, my family's history of owning 300 acres of farm land in the rural south and real estate in Boston and architects such as L. Quincy Jackson, Norma Sklarek, Amaza Meredith and Wallace Rayfield.
Michael D. Robinson, AIA ǀ NCARB ǀ NOMA is Principal Architect of Robi4 Architecture & Planning Inc., which he co-founded with his wife & partner, Carolyn D. Robinson. Robi4 specializes in single and multi-family residential projects, but has received commissions to design a variety of projects. The firm’s design philosophy incorporates elements of clarity, simplicity, and sustainability. He received his M. Arch from NSAD in San Diego and received his BS in Architectural Engineering from TSU.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I read a story about Black Architects in Black Enterprise magazine in the mid-1970s. When I thought about the magazine article and my love for drawing, I knew then, that I would like to become an architect
What do you do?
Architectural Design | Space Planning | Master Planning | Programming | Project Management | Construction Administration | Construction Scheduling | Cost Estimation | Feasibility Studies
What excites you in the work you do?
Working and coordinating with clients and consultants to solve each project's challenges. I also find excitement in the research and maintenance of black history which is vital to our country's history as well as serving on several local boards.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by my wife, our son and daughter, my family's history of owning 300 acres of farm land in the rural south and real estate in Boston and architects such as L. Quincy Jackson, Norma Sklarek, Amaza Meredith and Wallace Rayfield.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
My proudest professional achievement was "passing the exam" to become a licensed architect and becoming certified by NCARB to practice in all fifty states and the five U.S. territories.
Featured Project Name:
Skyline Homes
Featured Project Location:
San Diego
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Project Architect
Featured Project Description:
Skyline Homes is a residential development project located in southeast San Diego. The 0.5 acre parcel is in the middle of a fully developed neighborhood of single-family homes. The project is a four (4) home planned unit development (PUD) with two (2) accessory dwelling units (ADU). The current concept model plan is a three bedroom, two and one half bath room home with a two car garage with 2,265 sf of livable space