Plus Architecture, Melbourne
SAY IT LOUD - Naarm Melbourne Exhibitor
Who or what inspires you professionally?
“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.” Winston Churchill The buildings we live & work in have impact on us and our planet. This adds another layer of responsibility to design sustainable buildings in environmental & social perspectives.
With over seven years of architectural experience garnered from working across projects in both Australia and Hong Kong, Mau has delivered projects across multiple sectors including commercial, residential, master planning and mixed use. Interested in the relationship between architecture and humans, this concept often informs Mau’s work, and he strongly believes all design should inform culture in some shape or form.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
My dad is a stationery designer. I started to appreciate the aesthetics of design when I was a kid. In 2008, I chose Architecture for Uni after I learnt that being an Architect fulfills my desire to combine creativity with practicality.
What do you do?
I work in Plus Architecture Melbourne office. I focus mainly on front-end design and coordination to ensure the overall vision and design intent of projects are implemented to its fullest extent along all phases of the projects.
What excites you in the work you do?
Every project has its unique site, social identity and story behind. I see every project an opportunity to create a great piece of architecture not only to meet clients’ expectation but a unique city puzzle that improves people’s life in all aspect.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.” Winston Churchill The buildings we live & work in have impact on us and our planet. This adds another layer of responsibility to design sustainable buildings in environmental & social perspectives.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Some projects I had been involved were recognised by several awards programs: Hong Kong Institute of Architects Annual Awards 2013, Special Architectural Award and Excellence in Sustainable Built Environment, and the Green Building Award 2014.
Featured Project Name:
Essendon Fields Commercial Hub – Bringing the Park to Work
Featured Project Location:
Larkins Drive, Essendon Fields
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Design Leader
Featured Project Description:
As part of a competition, Plus were invited to submit a proposed design for a large commercial space in Essendon Fields. The proposed development on Larkins Drive, provides Essendon fields with a unique opportunity to showcase its overarching ethos and vision for the entire precinct. Centrally located at the heart of Essendon Fields and surrounded by existing, the development has the potential to establish itself as a key visual, commercial, and recreational gateway to the Business district.