MAJ Architecture + Design
Florida Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Knowing that my work has a direct impact on the lives of people that experience that spaces I design and create. For better or for worse, this is not to be taken lightly.
The Great Designer Malcolm Jones is a Florida International University Alumni, a Florida registered architect, and is the owner and principal architect of MAJ Architecture + Design. Alongside this, Malcolm is an adjunct professor at CityLab - Orlando (University of Florida’s Graduate School of Architecture); and is the chair of Black Architects in the Making - Orlando, is a program that introduces architecture to young middle and high school students of color.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
From a very young age, my Mother would tell me that I was going to be an Architect every chance she had. This was sparked by my interest in K'Nex, Legos, and sketching.
What do you do?
I am the Owner of MAJ Architecture + Design, also I serve on the board for the Orlando Foundation for Architecture, and I am the chair of the Black Architects in the Making - Orlando non-profit.
What excites you in the work you do?
I love understanding how buildings come together. As important as the design process is, a building is only successful as its ability to be constructed. Therefore, for me understanding constructability in an intimate way is paramount.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Knowing that my work has a direct impact on the lives of people that experience that spaces I design and create. For better or for worse, this is not to be taken lightly.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
My proudest accomplishment thus far is acquiring my license! February 2023....
Featured Project Name:
Pathways Drop-In Center
Featured Project Location:
Orlando, FL
Featured Project Completion Date:
September 2024
Role in Featured Project:
Project Architect
Featured Project Description:
The Pathway's Drop-In Center is a day center that services unhoused individuals with services such as: meals, clothes washing, education, social services, and much more. This project received City Funding to go through a complete redesign and facility upgrade. The images provided are the concept renderings that my team produced.