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SAY IT LOUD - United Kingdom

United Kingdom Based Designer

Who or what inspires you professionally?


I have a strong passion for paintings that inspire me to create similar environments, I am also inspired by Goethe, Christopher Wren, Michelangelo and Mozart.


The great architect, Lorenzo Maggio always fond of art. Born in Naples in February 1990. Graduated in 2018 with honours and publication right. For me, making Architecture means working with the atmosphere of a place. I am fascinated by cities, by their architecture, history, and I firmly believe in the human and cultural values of civilization. I cultivate a passion for astronomy, for classical music and its composers. My goal is to affirm these principles in the workplace, to grow individually and professionally.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
When I was 12 years old I went on a trip with my parents to Rome, I was fascinated by the Coliseum and I stayed all day trying to draw it on a sheet with a pencil. I began to copy all the architectures of the most famous paintings.
What do you do?
My aim is to create beauty by satisfying the needs of real life.
What excites you in the work you do?
The possibility to continue and carry on the thought of the masters of the past, expressing the desire to improve the built environment more and more.

Who or what inspires you professionally?
I have a strong passion for paintings that inspire me to create similar environments, I am also inspired by Goethe, Christopher Wren, Michelangelo and Mozart.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
My degree, because I dedicated a year and three months of work to the thesis and in the end it was the greatest satisfaction to see all my work done, and for the joy that was also for all the people close to me.

Featured Project Name: 
Historical wonder, New Service Centre for the first Italian railway

Featured Project Location: 
Italy, Napoli
Featured Project Completion Date: 

Role in Featured Project: 
Principal Architect
Featured Project Description:
The Bayard station, completed in 1839, united Naples with the city of Portici and was the first Italian railway connection. The ancient Bourbon factory has long been in a state of total abandonment: the vegetation completely covers the construction, preventing the perception of the volumes that compose it. The project provides for the redemption of the historical station of the first railway in Italy. Opportunity to recover, safeguard and integrate a fragment of the memory in Naples.

Photography Credit:
Lorenzo Maggio

Featured Project Name: 
Asplund Library Museum

Featured Project Location: 
Stockholm, Sweden
Featured Project Completion Date: 

Role in Featured Project: 
Principal Architect
Featured Project Description:
New Qualities and the Value of the Site. The extension of the Public Library is thus part of a major renewal process that affects the entire area around Odenplan, which will be given a more prominent role as a regional meeting place and become a new focal point in the further development of the city centre. This means that there will be major changes to the area on Odengatan and the northern side of Observatory Hill.

Photography Credit:
Lorenzo Maggio

Featured Project Name: 
Oratory Paolo VI

Featured Project Location: 
Passirano, Italy (BS)
Featured Project Completion Date: 

Role in Featured Project: 
Principal Architect
Featured Project Description:
A composition of volumes, generated through geometric and artistic harmony. The control of space and perspective, measuring the space with the eyes, through the view, thanks to an apparent regularity of a complex intervention. A labyrinthine foundation plant, where it is possible to walk, get lost and find yourself, in the spiritual safety of the parish. The Creation of a barycentric square, which allows the meeting between people, the passing of time together, pure simplicity in an open space.

Photography Credit:
Lorenzo Maggio

Featured Project Name: 
Oslo Cultural Cathedral

Featured Project Location: 
Oslo, Norway
Featured Project Completion Date: 

Role in Featured Project: 
Principal Architect
Featured Project Description:
The building stands in a context of perfect balance between architecture and nature, in the natural memory of the Fjords and the North Sea (Skagerrak). Project conceived as a unitary cultural complex and where it will be possible to live and share experiences with a strong artistic and cultural value. The project takes inspiration from the hallmarks of the ancient architecture of the city of Oslo, reimagining and re-adapting the new forms, merging the concepts into a single building.

Photography Credit:
Lorenzo Maggio

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