Hassell Studio
SAY IT LOUD - Naarm Melbourne Exhibitor
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Amanda Levete and Jan Kaplicky from Future Systems; uncompromising in their design vision, Norman Foster; lead the way in environmental design and Dr Daniele Hromek; elevating my understanding of Country and been a strong indigenous voice for women.
Liz is a highly-respected architect whom is based in our Sydney studio. As a principal and board member of Hassell, she drives her passion for design rigour, always challenging preconceived ideas that impact the way we live and work. During an extensive international career – including with Foster + Partners – she has led and designed high-profile projects and integrated precincts spanning the workplace, retail, residential and culture sectors. She is an active mentor and role model.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I have enjoyed art since I was a little girl, particularly drawing and painting. I first learnt about architecture in high school, when we did a term learning about modern architecture as part of our art studies.
What do you do?
It’s difficult to describe what I do! It’s very diverse and with a different focus every day! I work in collaboration with teams to design places, work with clients to define their aspiration and think strategically about the future of the business.
What excites you in the work you do? Who or what inspires you professionally?
I enjoy the diversity of work and the unique challenges that every project presents. I love imagining (and designing) for a new sustainable future, so I can leave the world a better place than I found it!
Who or what inspires you professionally? What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Amanda Levete and Jan Kaplicky from Future Systems; uncompromising in their design vision, Norman Foster; lead the way in environmental design and Dr Daniele Hromek; elevating my understanding of Country and been a strong indigenous voice for women.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
I am extremely proud to be a Principal at Hassell doing what I enjoy for a business that is very supportive of women in design.
Featured Project Name:
The First Building
Featured Project Location:
Bradfield, Western Parkland City, Sydney
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Principal Architect
Featured Project Description:
Designed in collaboration with Dinjama, First Building brings to life country, culture and community in a high-tech shared platform for manufacturing and research. Designed with whole-of-life sustainability and flexibility in mind, the building operates as a kit of parts able to be easily disassembled or adapted. A sculptural timber pavilion-style building, its curves are reflective of the water and fluidity of the surrounding landscape and the area’s Indigenous heritage as a place for women.