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Operation Better Block, Inc. (OBB)

SAY IT LOUD - Pennsylvania Exhibitor

Pennsylvania Based Designer

Who or what inspires you professionally?

A source of my inspiration is my fellow minority architects. Their work and development both personally and professionally has had a huge impact in advocating for opportunities, and increasing confidence in minority architects here in the city.


The great designer, LeTaj Tinker is an Architectural Designer at Operation Better Block, focused on the revitalization of the Homewood neighborhood. LeTaj has over 8+ years of experience through his work on affordable-housing developments, sustainable developments, and residential and light commercial construction in both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors. LeTaj holds a M.Arch with a focus on Historic Preservation and M.Sc. in Facilities Management from FAMU, and is approaching Architectural Registration.

How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
At 14, I accompanied my father to a meeting with a developer in Nassau Bahamas, and toured a home that was under construction. At the end of the tour, the developer gifted me a a book on Bahamian architecture. By the end of that night, I was hooked.

What do you do?
As Director of Community and Ec. Dev., my duties include those traditionally of an architectural designer; with the addition of applying for funding grants, developing new programs, and generally being a resource to the neighborhood at large.

What excites you in the work you do?
Being a non-profit, limited funding provides challenges to our projects, and forces us to think outside the box in order to produce quality products. But knowing who we serve, and the families that we impact makes the challenge completely worth it.

Who or what inspires you professionally?
A source of my inspiration is my fellow minority architects. Their work and development both personally and professionally has had a huge impact in advocating for opportunities, and increasing confidence in minority architects here in the city.

What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
To date, my proudest accomplishment is my recent completion of the ARE Exams. With just a handful of experience hours remaining to be satisfied, I am standing at the threshold of becoming a Registered Architect.

Featured Project Name: 
7337 Race St. Renovation
Featured Project Location: 
7337 Race St. Pittsburgh, PA 15208
Featured Project Completion Date: 
September 15th, 2019

Role in Featured Project: 
Project Designer/Project Manager
Featured Project Description:
7337 Race, built in 1925, is a 90+ year old home located in the neighborhood of Homewood in Pittsburgh, PA. This was a project was a complete gut, with only the original woodwork being salvaged where possible; but generally all systems of the building being replaced and/or updated. This project is special to us as it is a part of OBB’s Home Ownership Program which works to provide truly affordable housing for low-income families, and potential residents looking to move to the Homewood neighborhood.

Photography Credit:
ILeTaj Tinker

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