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SAY IT LOUD - United Kingdom
United Kingdom Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I love the build and design TV shows and magazines. I love learning from everyday people; how they choose to build their homes and their inspiration behind it all. I learn so much from watching non-professionals do what I do everyday.
The great designer ,Lara Lape Cameron-Cole is an Interior Designer & Co-Founder of CC Interiors Studio. She has worked on several projects across the US, UK and Nigeria. In 2018, Lara and her team launched the Pan-Africa Interior Design Virtual Summit which brought together over 40 design professionals from Hong Kong to Abidjan with over 500 subscribers tuned in virtually all over Africa. Lara served on Executive Council of Serving With Love Foundation & serves on the Advisory Board of The Dorcas Cancer Foundation.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I got interested in it through a friend with whom I started my Interior Design business with in 2007. It was then I started taking design classes at the Fashion Institute of NY and I learnt AutoCad and slowly grew the business through experience.
What do you do?
I’m an interior designer that works with architects and developers to see projects to fruition. I space plan/design layouts, furnish and fit and also project manage the entire process. I ensure functionality and harmony in a defined place.
What excites you in the work you do?
I simply love transformations. I love watching the process of deconstruction and reconstruction, I love the procurement phase which feeds into the transformation and just watching a space come together and presenting this to the client is pure joy.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I love the build and design TV shows and magazines. I love learning from everyday people; how they choose to build their homes and their inspiration behind it all. I learn so much from watching non-professionals do what I do everyday.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Launching the Pan-Annual Interior Design Virtual Summit in March 2018. We were able to bring over 40 interior designers, architects & design professionals from all over the world to have a virtual summit that over 500 students & professionals joined
Featured Project Name:
The Ark
Featured Project Location:
Dartford, Kent
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Interior Designer and Project Manager
Featured Project Description:
Repurposing the Old Dartford Police Station & Magistrate’s Court House into a co-working & multi-use community space. The building will house offices, seminar halls, meeting rooms & cafe. The aim is join the restoration of Dartford Town by providing affordable, beautiful, & functional workspaces for SMEs & establish support links via in-house ancillary services. This will be the first of its kind in Dartford, reverting to the original idea of co-working: an office that doesn’t feel like an office
Photography Credit:
Lara Cameron-Cole
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