Office of the State Engineer (OSE)
South Dakota Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I want to have successful projects that don’t turn into nightmares for my future predecessor. If I can leave things on the Capitol Complex and in the OSE office better than I found it, I will consider that a success.
Kristine Day is the Deputy State Engineer for OSE. She received her BS in Civil Engineering from SDSM&T and her MS in Business Administration from USD. Kristine is a native of Mobridge and moved to Pierre in 2015. In her personal life, Kristine loves spending her free time with her husband and 2 children (a 3rd child on the way)! They enjoy the outdoors, golfing, and time on the Missouri River. Kristine is actively involved in her church and is a committee member for the Say It Loud SD exhibit.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
My dad was a residential contractor, and I began working with him at a young age. I learned how to build a custom home, start to finish, and even got involved in the design process. I loved every bit of it!
What do you do?
As the Deputy State Engineer, I manage all construction projects for the Capitol Complex, oversee the Capitol Complex Maintenance & Repair Budget, supervise half of the OSE staff, provide guidance to the entire office, and a host of other duties.
What excites you in the work you do?
I love problem-solving and working with people to come up with the best solution to accomplish our goal. I also love history and the fact that I get to be a part of maintaining and preserving our state’s Capitol is one of the best parts of my job.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I want to have successful projects that don’t turn into nightmares for my future predecessor. If I can leave things on the Capitol Complex and in the OSE office better than I found it, I will consider that a success.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Completing a Master Plan for the Capitol Building; outlying how to upgrade infrastructure, improve underutilized space, and restore the beautiful, historic architecture throughout. This will preserve our Capitol Building for the next century!
Featured Project Name:
Capitol Building Tuckpointing & Dome Window Replacement
Featured Project Location:
Capitol Building, Pierre, South Dakota
Featured Project Completion Date:
September 10, 2020
Role in Featured Project:
Project Manager/Owner’s Representative
Featured Project Description:
Prior to this project, the SD State Capitol had never been professionally tuckpointed or cleaned since its construction in 1910 and the windows located in the Dome were from the original construction. A large scaffolding structure was erected from the ground up and around the dome to accomplish this. Also utilizing that scaffolding structure, the dome windows were replaced. Due to the historic nature, it was decided to leave the original windows in place and install new windows on the exterior.