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RDG Planning and Design

SAY IT LOUD - Nebraska Exhibitor

Nebraska Based Designer

Who or what inspires you professionally?

I’m fortunate to be surrounded by others who in- spire me every day. I always look to fellow women in the profession who are juggling their jobs and personal lives as mentors to navigate my way through my professional career and personal life.



The great designer, Katie is an architect and holds a Bachelor of Science in Design degree and a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Katie has over 9 years of professional experience, and she is passionate about helping people, whether it’s to achieve their goals, overcome obstacles, or just to lend a helping hand in a time of need.


How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?

Being the daughter of a commercial subcontractor, I was exposed to design in the built environment from the day I was born. I always found an interest in my dad’s work, his craft, and how he delivered a project from design inception to installation.


What do you do?

I am an architect with 7 years of experience in K-12 educational design and most recently ex- ploring the world of healthcare design. I love getting to work with clients to realize their needs and help them find the best avenue to achieve their goals.

What excites you in the work you do?

The collaborative nature of design in architecture and the built environment is one of the things I love best about the profession. I strongly believe in the strength in numbers. A collaborative design is the best design.


Who or what inspires you professionally?

I’m fortunate to be surrounded by others who in- spire me every day. I always look to fellow women in the profession who are juggling their jobs and personal lives as mentors to navigate my way through my professional career and personal life.

What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?

I feel most proud when I’m able to inspire others to pursue their passions.


Featured Project Name: 

Cardiac Cath Lab/Hybrid OR


Featured Project Location: 

Omaha, Nebraska


Featured Project Completion Date: 


Role in Featured Project: 

Project Architect and Equipment Planning


Featured Project Description:

Located at the Nebraska Medical Center, the design for the cardiac cath lab encompasses 23,000- SF of space: seven surgical suites, 18 pre- and post-op recovery rooms, a radial lounge, a hybrid OR, and an expanded check-in desk and waiting room, which offers a variety of privacy and seating options for caregivers. By expanding the space, the design helps the client consolidate its cardio services into a shared location, increasing efficiency for providers and capacity for patients and families.

Photography Credit:

Tom Kessler Photography

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