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Kathryn Larsen
SAY IT LOUD - NOW Exhibitor
Denmark Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I have always been inspired by people. How we interact with each other, what traditions we hold dear to our hearts, and the stories that buildings tell us as a result. I think we can build better, and kinder, for each other and the planet.
Kathryn Larsen
The great designer, Kathryn Larsen is a Msc. Architecture student at TU Delft, with an interest in sustainability and vernacular architecture. Born in the USA, but based in Europe, Kathryn adapts to different cultures with ease. Kathryn combines material science and biobased design, to reimagine historical techniques of construction. Since 2013, Kathryn has freehand sketched her travels and observations of different places and cultures. She is fluent in Danish, Japanese, and Spanish. Kathryn is Hispanic American.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
Two big influences: the renovation of my par- ents 1830s house in my childhood, and several trips to Japan in my teenage years. I was always obsessed with history, and when I saw how Jap- anese architects approached historical construc- tion, I was hooked.
What do you do?
Everything I do can be summed up as: I commu- nicate. Whether it’s creating short youtube videos on local architecture history, working with sea- weed, or talking to clients on the phone. To me, everything about the profession is about commu- nication.
What excites you in the work you do?
From concept to completion, each project excites me. I really throw myself into my work, whether it’s a standard residential project or experiment- ing with new materials. But the most satisfying moment is when people get to experience my creation.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I have always been inspired by people. How we interact with each other, what traditions we hold dear to our hearts, and the stories that buildings tell us as a result. I think we can build better, and kinder, for each other and the planet.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Participating in Design Indaba 2020, and con- quering my fear of public speaking, to deliver my talk on my work with seaweed. I have always struggled with stage fright, so I will always be proudest of the moment I faced it head-on, and conquered it.
Featured Project Name:
The Seaweed Pavilion
Featured Project Location:
The Copenhagen School of Design and Technology
Featured Project Completion Date:
November 2020
Role in Featured Project:
Project Manager and Designer
Featured Project Description:
Vernacular construction methods are often unexplored sustainable solutions, with local materials and builders. Eelgrass was once used as an insulation material and as roofing on the island of Læsø. The material is rot resistant, fire resistant, is non-toxic, and can support local plant life, yet there is a lot of prejudice against seaweed as a building material. By creating a public pavilion and inviting people to take a seat under the seaweed, we can begin to change the perception of eelgrass.
Photography Credit:
Kel Hudson
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