Twopoint Studio, LLC
Maryland Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My students! Teaching provides the ability to raise the level of thought and discussion that academia affords and demands. An opportunity to delve into past histories, question common thought and practice, and to explore new solutions.
The great acrhitect, Kathleen Lechleiter, AIA is an experienced professional with over 30 years of practice as a registered architect and founder and President of Twopoint Studio, a certified Women-Owned Business Enterprise in Baltimore, MD. She has extensive experience in housing and is an adjunct faculty at Morgan State University, teaching in the Housing and Urban Design Studios.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
An aptitude test in high school with high scores in visual arts and mathematics mapped it out for me with the profession of “architecture” being closest to my “dot” and ultimately the perfect intersection of my interests and talents.
What do you do?
As a practitioner and educator, my primary focus is affordable housing which I tackle through work, involvement with students, and community engagement. Through both my practice and teaching, I develop and advocate for just and equitable housing.
What excites you in the work you do?
Having the opportunity to leverage creative outlets including engaging with social media platforms, facilitating a film series, and participating in pubic art installations in order to amplify the need for housing justice and healthy communities.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My students! Teaching provides the ability to raise the level of thought and discussion that academia affords and demands. An opportunity to delve into past histories, question common thought and practice, and to explore new solutions.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Ultimately, my proudest professional achievement would be fostering students and architects, whose work and dedication to providing equitable housing have continually reinforced and reignited my passion for housing justice.
Featured Project Name:
Scattered: Seeking Housing Justice
Featured Project Location:
Featured Project Completion Date:
March 2021
Role in Featured Project:
Principal-In-Charge, Project Manager
Featured Project Description:
Scattered: Seeking Housing Justice follows the rehab of market-rate, single-family homes into public housing rental units scattered throughout the greater Baltimore region. We partnered with 2 non-profit developers, 3 contractors, in 5 jurisdictions to complete 152 homes within 20 months. Their construction was in response to a consent decree which found fault with HUD for failure to provide adequate housing to low-income residents and perpetuated the hyper-concentrated poverty in Baltimore.