Yongue Architects, pa
SAY IT LOUD - NOW Exhibitor
North Carolina Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I was not impressed by how many Black churches, businesses and schools were not given better architectural services by majority firms. This infuriated me to target these markets and offer quality architecture that is both affordable and significant.
The great architect, Yongue has been practicing since 1969 and served as the Founding President of NCNOMA. Yongue holds a BS in AE from NCAT, a MA from NCSU and a MBA from Iona. Professionally, Yongue has practiced in NC, VA, DC, NY and Korea. Published features include: Future Architect - Joseph Yongue Studies Design (Charlotte Observer, 1958), Yongue's Ten Tenants, Cybernetics of Management and Design Decisions, Critical, Design Factors for Teleconferencing, and One Architect's Vision of Global New Relationships.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
A photo 1958 photo of me and an article published in the Charlotte Observer Newspaper entitled: Joseph H. Yongue, Future Architect. I was only 13 years old but already recognized artistic talent. The journalist deemed my Architect potential.
What do you do?
I am the Principal/CEO of Yongue Architects, pa. We provide quality architectural services for religious, institutional, commercial, educational & housing projects. I am 75+ years old and semi-retired. I'm responsible for supervision and management.
What excites you in the work you do?
I am excited and motivated in knowing that my life makes a difference to humanity. The visions from my mind are and have become reality in the built environment and that makes this world better and will exist long after my life.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I was not impressed by how many Black churches, businesses and schools were not given better architectural services by majority firms. This infuriated me to target these markets and offer quality architecture that is both affordable and significant.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
The Perimeter Aisle Concept because it has been historically far reaching to influence the world of architecture and organizational behavior.
Featured Project Name:
Perimeter Aisle Concept
Featured Project Location:
IBM, Research Triangle Park, NC
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
My role as IBM RTP Architect and a Corporate Architect at IBM National Headquarters RECD Division was to be liaison to national Architectural firms. As rapidly developing multiple building needs were being Fast-Tracked at IBM, firms wanted to satisfy the architectural needs of the local Client; me! My Perimeter Aisle Concept (PAC) was built for all new buildings and as a renovation to existing buildings for millions of SF at IBM RTP, and expanded to IBM Charlotte and IBM Corporation/Internationally. My PAC was copied by other architects, corporations, and commercial offices world-wide.
Featured Project Description:
My Masters and MBA/Organizational Behavior Thesis: Combining Architectural Building Structure to Corp Organizational Business Structure - became real and built at IBM RTP, IBM Corp, and world-wide. It was revolutionary for Building Sustainability - space planning efficiency, energy conservation, modularity, structural integrity, furniture ergonomics, fenestration, outside awareness, worker productivity, building economics, elect’l dispersal, HVAC comfort, organization, and motivational behavior.