MERGE Architectural Group
SAY IT LOUD - NOW Exhibitor
Arizona Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
First of all the idea that anything is possible if you work and pray for it. Who inspire me the most, I will say my family and my boss who is a clear example of perseverance and who is always driving me to learn and strive harder.
Jessica Edith Zamorano Rivera
The Great designer, Jessica Graduated on 2018, I hold a Bachelor of Architecture from Tec de Monterrey and I’m looking forward to be a Licensed Architect. There have been many challenges throughout my life but definitely the biggest of them has been moving to Phoenix. Currently I’m working for Merge Architectural Group and it has been a year and a half of a really enriching journey and I feel very happy and grateful to be able to have this opportunity, I am excited to continue growing as an architect and person.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
Since I was I little and I went into spaces I always notice the details and the experience of good de-
sign and at the time that I had to choose a career I couldn’t think of any other than Architecture in all of its shapes.
What do you do?
I do a lot of everything, but I mainly focus on the design and presentation of the design, I love to start a new project and see all the possible existing solutions to the same project.
What excites you in the work you do?
The design, the details that form the final result, I love representing my ideas in drawings and renders to then make the design come true.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
First of all the idea that anything is possible if you work and pray for it. Who inspire me the most, I will say my family and my boss who is a clear example of perseverance and who is always driving me to learn and strive harder.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Moved from Mexico to Phoenix to work, get used to a completely new work system and challenge myself more and more every day to learn more about this profession. It’s an achievement that still in progress and that I’m willing to keep feeding.
Featured Project Name:
Pinetop Country Club
Featured Project Location:
Pinetop, Arizona
Featured Project Completion Date:
August 2020
Role in Featured Project:
Architectural Designer
Featured Project Description:
This project includes an interior renovation of the existing Country Club following elements: -The demolition and reconstruction of restrooms to comply with ADA requirements with new finishes throughout restrooms. -Kitchen renovations including spatial reconfiguration for flow, new kitchen equipment and exhaust
hoods. -Banquet hall and dining rooms reconfigured with new finishes throughout. -Patio expansion with accompanying patio cover extension.
Photography Credit:
MERGE Architectural Group