Jerel McCants Architecture, Inc.
Florida Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by structures such as the Great Pyramids in Egypt and temples in Anghor Watt in Cambodia. I am a fan of ancient civilizations all over the world. Some professional architects: Frank Lloyd Wright, Paul Williams, Lebbeus Woods, Tadao Ando.
The Great Designer Jerel McCants is a 1996 graduate of Tennessee State University with a B.S. degree in architectural engineering. Thereafter, he earned a Master of Architecture from University of South Florida, Tampa in 2001. He studied abroad in Paris, France in 1999. During the Great Recession, it was at this time that Jerel established Jerel McCants Architecture, Inc. in 2010. JMA, inc. is a full-service boutique architectural firm specializing in municipal, educational, cultural and residential markets
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I always knew I wanted to be an Architect from an early age. I would experiment with patterns and form making with anything I could get my hands on as an infant. From there I entered art classes in school where I was recognized for my creativity.
What do you do?
We believe that architecture is an action, a feeling that expresses new ideals displayed through exposed materials, showing their true nature in an efficient, honest, and sustainable manner that will benefit the client and our environment.
What excites you in the work you do?
I love creating designs in my mind and illustrating them in drafting software that eventually becomes a built, functioning reality for people to experience. This is a great feeling to create and bring forth buildings in this world for all to enjoy.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by structures such as the Great Pyramids in Egypt and temples in Anghor Watt in Cambodia. I am a fan of ancient civilizations all over the world. Some professional architects: Frank Lloyd Wright, Paul Williams, Lebbeus Woods, Tadao Ando
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
My proudest achievement is realizing my dream to become an Architect, operating my own design firm and contributing to the built environment.
Featured Project Name:
King High School Memorial Marker
Featured Project Location:
Tampa, Florida
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Designer and Architect
Featured Project Description:
The School Board reached out to me to provide a design for a memorial marker to be constructed at this cemetery that still contains several hundred burials of poor, indigent and African Americans interred for nearly 90 years. The design I created was a symbol to remind present day people of this history. Volunteers of subcontractors and tradesmen donated time and materials in the construction of this memorial marker.