CO Architects
California Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am deeply inspired by the trailblazers before us who paved the way, and also, the youth who encourage us to see things with fresh eyes and minds.
Jennifer Noel Wong, AIA believes in the strength of community and serves as a change-agent, guiding professionals in the early stages of their career. She makes architectural resources accessible and available to youth and emerging professionals. She is a member of the AIALA Board of Directors, and past Chair for the chapter’s WiA Committee. She's volunteered with Oasis Center International since 2014, creating after-school programs to students with no prior exposure to architecture.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
In grade school, Maya Lin was the only female Asian-American architect I knew about -- no one in my immediate or extended family was an architect. My aunt exposed me to architecture through articles, events and exhibits she found and passed on to me.
What do you do?
I am a Project Architect. Outside of the office, I serve as a Director on the AIALA Board, and previously served as a WiA Committee Chair. Outside of work and the AIA, I teach architecture and design workshops to youth through after-school programs.
What excites you in the work you do?
I enjoy working in a profession that is constantly trying to solve problems through built spaces. I enjoy working collectively within a team, pulling on each members’ strengths to deliver a stronger solution.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am deeply inspired by the trailblazers before us who paved the way, and also, the youth who encourage us to see things with fresh eyes and minds.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
I'm proud to have spearheaded WiA's Speedtalks, a rapid-fire presentation format of speakers at various levels of their career. Its success garnered partnerships with AWA+D, SoCal NOMA, and AAA/e and ignited a passion to amplify the voices of others.
Featured Project Name:
UCLA School of Medicine Eugene and Maxine Rosenfeld Hall
Featured Project Location:
Los Angeles, CA
Featured Project Completion Date:
June 2023
Role in Featured Project:
Project Architect
Featured Project Description:
UCLA School of Medicine Eugene and Maxine Rosenfeld Hall consolidates surgical training, simulation and standardized patient programs into a single facility through a combination of renovation and building addition to an existing facility. Reinforcing the original building’s strong horizontality, a razor-thin roof hovers over the new and existing alike, creating a unified architectural expression that stands in stark contrast to the towering pine trees that surround the site.