Moore Architecture
SAY IT LOUD - North Carolina Exhibitor
North Carolina Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My family, friends & fellow architects inspire me. My inner circle challenges me daily to be the best version of myself. In addition, the architecture that is being created globally pushes me to be a better designer, thinker, manager and architect.
The Great architect, Jason Hite, a licensed architect, received his BS in Architecture from SIU Carbondale and MArch from UNC Charlotte. His portfolio is characterized by cultural, historic preservation, libraries, commercial, multi-family and university work. He believes that social spaces for interaction and civic engagement are the foundation to generating a sense of community. Jason is interested in the social and economic catalysts that drive the design and development of cities and university campuses.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
My first interactions with architecture came from my love of comic books. The imagery and environments created leaped off of the pages and caught my attention from an early age. This and drawing led me to make the decision to become an architect.
What do you do?
I’m a licensed architect in Raleigh, North Carolina. I enjoy volunteering with the AIA Triangle Residential Tour, NC Food Bank, Walnut Creek Wetland Center and CANstruction.
What excites you in the work you do?
Hearing excitement and seeing joy on the faces of the end users on a project that I’ve worked on. Those moments push me to keep going in a profession whose task at times can be mundane. The projects, people and relationships make it all worthwhile.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My family, friends & fellow architects inspire me. My inner circle challenges me daily to be the best version of myself. In addition, the architecture that is being created globally pushes me to be a better designer, thinker, manager and architect.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
My proudest professional accomplishment was becoming a licensed architect. The journey from my 7th grade decision to that moment of receiving my license number was all worth it.
Featured Project Name:
Park 301
Featured Project Location:
Durham, NC
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Design team member
Featured Project Description:
A new model for graduate housing at Duke University, Park/301 expands the role community can play in modern academia. A deviation from an enclosed courtyard scheme that provides spaces for a privileged few, P/301 is an open invitation to the community. This design encourages residents to share their research and creativity beyond the university. Embracing the diversity of the surrounding area, from varying faiths to incomes, P/301 provides common ground for interaction & shared understanding.