Plus Architecture, Melbourne
SAY IT LOUD - Naarm Melbourne Exhibitor
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Travel, artists, architects, designers, engineers. Simplicity, beauty, honesty. Designers like John Pawson, Glenn Sestig, Peter Zumthor, Piet Boon, Vincent Van Duyson, David Chipperfield are some of many.
Completed Bachelor of Architecture (BaArch)(Hons) in 1997 @ University of Melbourne. Worked as a design architect at Bates Smart Architects, HPA Architects, Steven Whiting Architecture and Bruce Henderson Architecture for 6 years before transitioning into ID field. Promoted to Director of Interiors at BHA and continued work there for another 10 years. In 2015 started interior design practice Studio InArte. Joined Plus Architecture in 2019.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I was introduced to architecture as a subject in year 10 and fell in love with creating built form. Planning, logistics of drafting, use of symbols, analysis and critical discussion provided the backbone of sphere of interest I continue to thrive in.
What do you do?
I see myself as an inventor, analyst, artist, critical strategist, saleswoman. I create concepts, test ways to construct details, push boundaries. Collaborate with teams, consultants, builders – whilst streamlining a vision of the ID department.
What excites you in the work you do?
Getting ‘into the zone’ when ideas reach the point of free-flow or project starts coming together. When functional, aesthetic and economical aspects merge into one. When I see excitement and impatience in our client’s eyes.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Travel, artists, architects, designers, engineers. Simplicity, beauty, honesty. Designers like John Pawson, Glenn Sestig, Peter Zumthor, Piet Boon, Vincent Van Duyson, David Chipperfield are some of many.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Jobs won from the word of mouth, client recommendations make me proud. When developers achieve unprecedented sales based on our vision. Junior staff thanking me for enabling them to successfully practice in the design field. But best is yet to come!
Featured Project Name:
voco® South Melbourne and Vivere Apartments
Featured Project Location:
10-16 Dorcas Street, Southbank
Featured Project Completion Date:
Estimated 2025
Role in Featured Project:
Senior Interior Designer (Associate)
Featured Project Description:
Inspired by Melbourne’s Botanic Gardens and Port Phillip Bay, this 19 storey mixed used building will house offices, hotel and apartments with separation of each use expressed in the vertical and horizontal stacking within each segment. Distinguished by its bold curved and segmented sculptural façade, Plus Architecture’s desire to make the best use of sightlines to the east and west displays a finely tuned craftsmanship supported by a thorough analysis of site context and design brief.