SAY IT LOUD - North Carolina Exhibitor
North Carolina Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My boss, Dana is a female architect who has broken through a male dominant field as a principal at a large firm. My mom is also a huge inspiration. She has shown me since I was a little girl that women can be both elite professionals and great moms.
The Great designer, Hyeon Ji Lee is a first generation immigrant from Seoul, South Korea. She is an architectural designer based in Charlotte, NC. She is a recent graduate from University of Virginia with a BS in Civil Engineering from Villanova University.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I grew up in a rapidly developing city and witnessed how good and bad design decisions manifested in real space. This exposure inspired me to study the built environment so I could help to shape my community and make better decisions.
What do you do?
I'm a full time emerging professional in architecture (same as intern, designer, etc. designating non-licensed architectural designer) at a southeast focused firm, LS3P.
What excites you in the work you do?
Opportunities for creative problem solving through design, especially through sketch charrette.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My boss, Dana is a female architect who has broken through a male dominant field as a principal at a large firm. My mom is also a huge inspiration. She has shown me since I was a little girl that women can be both elite professionals and great moms.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Being a mentor and a resource to students who are looking to enter the professional practice.
Featured Project Name:
Featured Project Location:
Broadway Junction, Brooklyn, NY
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Team member/designer
Featured Project Description:
IDLE TOWN is a project based around creating diverse and varied spaces for waiting in Broadway Junction, NY, which is a mass transit hub for the nearby neighborhoods. IDLE TOWN is made up of three tall and thin buildings linking into the subway lines. IDLE TOWN has three main goals: taking advantage of fragments, achieving legibility and clarity, and creating better waiting spaces.