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Studio Drum Collaborative

SAY IT LOUD - NOW Exhibitor

Haiti Based Designer

Who or what inspires you professionally?

Wow tough question there is a long list! Starting with Francis Kere, Gaylor Esper, Colin Montoute Abhay Wadwah Rodney Leon, Tom Kundig,, Local artisans in Haiti such as fiber weavers who turn fiber into hats , chairs and makouts (woven bags).

Hervé Sabin


The Great designer, Prior to establishing Studio Drum Collaborative (SDC) as his primary practice, Hervé Sabin served various architectural practices in New York as both Project Architect and Designer. His portfolio includes projects of varying scale including, schools, and private residences. He received his professional degree in architecture from the New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) in 1998 and earned Master of Architecture from Pratt Institute Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Design in 2001.

How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?

I was 14 years old when on a Saturday morning I stumbled upon a documentary on Le Corbusier. I said that is what I want to do.

What do you do?

I advise clients, design, fabricate, build , run construc- tion sites as training school. Giving youth an oppor- tunity to learn new skills and receive a salary while learning.

What excites you in the work you do?

Being able to open the mind and change how com- munities see their resources. By this I mean through design and building by transforming materials that are everyday for people into differently imagined objects and functional aspects of a building.


Who or what inspires you professionally?

Wow tough question there is a long list! Starting with Francis Kere, Gaylor Esper, Colin Montoute Abhay Wadwah Rodney Leon, Tom Kundig,, Local artisans in Haiti such as fiber weavers who turn fiber into hats , chairs and makouts (woven bags).

What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?

As far as architecture, I would say completing Ecole de Choix and the collaboration with Architecture for Hu- manity on Ecole La Diginite in Cayes Jacmel. I believe in youth education and advocating for youth in rural communities is a passion.


Featured Project Name: 

Ecole de Choix


Featured Project Location: 

MIrebalais, Plateau Centrale, Haiti

Featured Project Completion Date: 


Role in Featured Project: 



Featured Project Description:

Located in the rural area of Boyer in Mirebalais, École de Choix is a primary school administered by the Illinois non-profit, The School of Choice Education Organization. Studio Drum Collaborative designed the school campus to integrate simple concrete, module unit classroom buildings within a vast grassy landscape, using earthy paint colors and twined wetland grass for window and door panels.


Photography Credit:

Studio Drum Collaborative, Ecole de Choix

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