Terrence O'Neal Architects
SAY IT LOUD - United Nations
SAY IT LOUD - United Nations World Wide
SAY IT LOUD - NOMA 50th Exhibition
New York Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My greatest inspiration is the Lake Shore Drive apartment towers designed by architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in the city of Chicago, and, the architect himself. I am awed by the clarity in his design intent, which remains intact even after revisions when challenged.
The great designer, Heather Oneal in New York City, is a partner in the firm, Terrence O’Neal Architect. Mrs. Liard, my high school art teacher, influenced my decision to become an architect. Her husband, Christopher Liard (an architect who critiqued my work for a final exam) had commented on my depiction of the local vernacular type of architecture. Mr. Liard is the son of Colin Liard, a noted architect in Trinidad & Tobago. This coincidence caught my attention and started my journey into architecture beyond art.
In our practice, the opportunity to work with organizations that strive for improving the lives of all in their communities adds dimension and enhances my experience of the profession. I enjoy the challenge of “making it work” in practice. Affordable housing, Supportive housing, and Schools are particularly rewarding due to the impact on the lives of many who will live, work, and learn in the spaces we design.
My greatest inspiration is the Lake Shore Drive apartment towers designed by architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in the city of Chicago, and, the architect himself. I am awed by the clarity in his design intent, which remains intact even after revisions when challenged.
Our recent work in supportive housing with the Acacia Network and United Bronx Parents is a source of pride for me. It is a building to house and provide treatment for alcohol- and drug-dependent pregnant and parenting women. Here, women have the option of living with their children during treatment with all the necessary support of childcare and social services.
Terrence O’Neal introduced nycoba-NOMA to my professional network in 1993. My initial participation was as an editor for the NYCOBA newsletter. Then and now my reason for membership in NOMA is a strong sense that it is an organization that is needed and in need of support. I value my membership there because it is an essential organization.